30 Somethings Daily Chat: Monday, 8/11

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  • Mornin' All!

    DH woke me up late this AM, it was like 6:30! So I ran around and still managed to get to work a few minutes before 8. So now I'm drinking coffee and waking up.

    I have a new responsibility today, and he's high maintenance. He's totally ADHD, I would bet money on it. Runs at 150% all the time, and expects everyone else to also. Thinks he's the CEO, but he's just a Director. Anyway, my boss was going to remind him that I have 2 little kids at home, am NOT trying to climb the corporate ladder, and not everyone wants to work 15 hrs. a day. I may have to go back to the 9-6 schedule, which will suck, and may need to have a blackberry, which may also suck. But I'm feeling positive overall about it. I already provide backup support to him, so not much will change.

    Did everyone see my self-indulgent post from last night? Go check it, I'm proud of it. Then I'll get off my high horse.

    Have a great day all!
  • 30 Somethings Daily chat Monday Aug.11th

    Lauren, WTG!!! It's funny how once you start watching the caloric intake, it becomes easier and you're less hungry, right?? Keep it up!!

    Valerie, hope you are feeling better today and able to get yourself out and walking!! It really was a CRUMMY day weather-wise yesterday, wasn't it? We just sat around and watched movies.

    Alicia, hope you are doing well!!

    Welcome to the newbies!!!

    Well, got in my walk, 2 loads of wash and cleaned one bathroom, just had breakfast...I'm lovin' the energy I have lately!!! My GF dropped off her girls a bit ago, they're just gonna play all day with my kids. I am cleaning/doing laundry (my usual Monday routine) and that's about it!!

    Hope everyone has a super day!!

  • 2 threads started so I will say on both. I am headed to my parents' house this morning and I have supper out tonight w/a friend. It won't be hard to get a healthy meal, though. I got up early and exercised, took my vitamins, had egg whites and am almost done w/my first water bottle (24 oz) so I am on a roll--good for me. Have a good day everyone! Rikki
  • Good Morning everyone!! All is going well so far today. DH has to take our youngest (4) to the dentist today. Last night he was running and fell and hit his mouth on his brothers knee and bent his top tooth backward and knocked out a bottom tooth! Good thing dad is laid off and can take him - I guess we have to always look on the bright side of the situation! Other than that, all is well. I got in my workout, and will be heading off to school in about an hour. Then back to work till 5, and maybe I will be motivated to walk the bike trail with the kids later. I guess that will depend on how Caleb is feeling! My poor baby!! The good thing is, my new meds must be helping, because I was amazingly calm through the whole thing - I didn't freak out once!

    Anyway, hope everyone has a good day!

    Rikki - sounds like you had a great start for a Monday morning!

    pmasci - Wow, wish I had that kind of energy on a Monday morning!!

    Lauren - Good job on the calorie counting!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Oh - and I lost 2 1/2 lbs - Yay!!

  • Hey girls, I got us cleaned up on the threads!

    Pam, where's all the energy coming from girl? And did you mean you did all that already this AM??? It would take me at least 2 hrs. to clean my bathroom!

    Rikki, have fun at dinner with your friend tonight!
  • Holly, Poor Caleb! Hope he wasn't/isn't in too much pain!
  • Good morning and hello to all.

    I have been gone for awhile seems like forever. I am back at work. I am so tired. Not used to getting up early after a two week off period.

    I did alot of research last week on weight loss. I got on a site call mypyramid.gov. It was very good. I really have to get with it and stick with it. I did really well this weekend.

    Took the girls to the doctor on Friday and they got their 12 yr old shots. That was not fun. One of them passed out and starting throwing up. Not good.

    The younger one is gonna have to start eating right. Her blood pressure was a little high for her age. They did blood work to check cholesterol. So we will see what happens.

    So now we are all watching what we eat. I can't let this affect my children.

    Got on the site and did my grocery list by the food pyramid. I also got some low fat recipes. So the grocery shopping went really well. It actually seemed more organized with a list than without one.

    I have a sinus infection so I am on antibiotics. I am hating them. I just need to make sure that I eat yogurt.

    Well have a good one and hello to all the new guys and congrats on everyones weight loss.

  • Quote:
    Holly, Poor Caleb! Hope he wasn't/isn't in too much pain!
    Lauren, amazingly, he didn't cry much. My 13 yo cried more since it was his knee that caused the damage!! He felt really bad about it. We gave him some Tylenol anyway and will wait and see what the dentist says today. He was asleep when I left, so not sure how he is feeling this morning!
  • Hey girls...

    Rikki...sounds like you're off to a great start!! Keep it up girl!!

    Holly, hope you're baby's okay!!! Man that would freak me out. Hope you're 13 yo is alright as well. That must've been one traumatic event.

    Fergi, good to see you again!! I was wondering where you have been!! HOpe that this new approach is helpful, and that you have the whole family eating healthy in no time!!

    Lauren, I think it's eating less and moving again that's doing it. I hadn't exercised since the kiddos got out of school, and had been majorly tired. Last week I started getting up early and doing my old two mile walk/jog, and combined with the calorie cut, I just think I'm feeling way better. And Mondays are always my cleaning day. I just have to vacuum the downstairs and mop the kitchen and I'm dunzo!!!

    Okay, back to work...just need to log my water intake..c-ya!!
  • Morning All!!!

    I think this may be a good week. No more tummy bug, AF is on her way out, AND going back to the gym today. Went on the scale the other day and lost 1 1/2 lbs. So yet another reason to smile

    LBH--- going to have to look for your other post

    pmasci--- WOWSERS!! You are on a Cleaning Mission. You did ALL that this am??? Care to come to my house and breeze on through everything. I don't mind

    RLK2005---- Way To Go on your good start to the morning. Have fun this evening enjoying your healthy meal.

    hollymommy---- OUCH about your lil guys tooth. Hoping that the dentist sez it is a quick and easy fix.

    Fergi---- Welcome back! Good luck with the Food Pyrimid, let us know if it works out for you and your family, and how well everyone adjusts to it.

    Well off to do a load of laundry--- chat later.
  • Good morning everyone!

    pmasci - Can I please have some of your energy?! Good for you for getting all of that done this morning!

    Lauren - Good luck with your new "responsibility". It's nice to hear how positive you are about things!

    Holly - I hope your boys are feeling better! Congrats on the 2 1/2 lbs gone!!

    Fergi - your trip to the doctor's sure doesn't sound like much fun! I hope your kids have recovered! Good for you for helping your family work towards a healthier lifestyle. Hopefully your sinus infection is almost gone.

    Good morning to everyone else!

    Yesterday we went for a great hour-long walk with the kids. I pushed the stroller and the trails we were on were kind of sandy and there were some hills so it felt like a good workout! I've been pretty good this past week, lots of exercise and better with my eating (although far from perfect), but I was still up a couple of pounds this morning!! I'm not happy about that but I'm trying to be patient. It'll all pay off!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • PearFreak - sorry, missed your post! I'm glad you're feeling better and way to go on another 1 1/2 lbs gone!!
  • Good day, Ladies!
    Lois Lane, You're right, it was! Lunch with the girls, and In-laws made me a turkey, and cake. (I told my Dad, and he said "Gave you a turkey?" No, Dad, they cooked it!) Only prob, DD still in Alberta visiting, and the Man working in Ft. Mac, so alone. But not lonely, you know?
    Pmasci, excellent work, my girl! Are you strutting around proudly? (Like a captain?)
    Hollymommy, good job not freaking, it's hard to not show how upset you are, and your big kid has a tender heart (and a sore knee!)
    Fergi, When I shop, I try not to forget everything, but I've never made a plan for a whole week. It's a good idea.
    Pearfreak, glad your tum isn't rotten anymore!

    Hopefully, I can get the deck stained a bit today. I'm actually getting through my to-do's. (In time for my I-do's? --hyuk, hyuk! )
    Today is my last day of my free 3 days at the gym, and I am going to do everything I can. Oh, YEAH, baby!
  • Quote:
    Hollymommy, good job not freaking, it's hard to not show how upset you are, and your big kid has a tender heart (and a sore knee!)
    Holly - I hope your boys are feeling better! Congrats on the 2 1/2 lbs gone!!
    Holly, hope you're baby's okay!!! Man that would freak me out. Hope you're 13 yo is alright as well. That must've been one traumatic event.
    Thanks for the well wishes, everyone! I appreciate it!

    Well, he is home from the dentist. His top tooth was snapped off at the root, so they had to pull it. They numbed it and then pulled it and had to dig around for the root, my husband says. So now he is missing two teeth and probably won't get his adult teeth for about 2 years. That will make for some interesting pictures this year!! He was in speech for a couple years already and has a lisp - not sure how this will affect his speech!! I am only freaking out on the inside, though!! That is so much better than before!
  • Good morning Ladies.

    Holly--Oh that poor kid! Teeth stuff always scares me.

    I got up at 6.00, unloaded the dishwasher, got everyone's milk ready and left at 6.30 for my nordic walking. It was a cloudy day today, just perfect.
    But now , my back is killing me. I was rear ended by a dump truck last year and my back hurts from time to time. I took 2 ibuprofen and have an appt to see the doc on Wed.