Hey there

  • Well, I figured it was time for some motivation and I think this place may be it! Here's a cut to the chase intro for the chicks who just want to know the basics...

    -My name is Tara.
    -I'm a divorced busy mom with two daughters ages 3 and 4.
    -I would like to lose 15-20 lbs. this year.
    -And I need some motivation!

    A little more detailed for anyone else...

    -I have Crohn's which is reason enough to eat better and be a healthier person just to have my disease in control.
    -I feel very much out of control when I eat, often eating the junkiest foods I can find.
    -I need some major inspiration and insight on what are the right foods to choose.
    -I am a little girly and don't really like to sweat much and I am trying to overcome that. I have been going to the gym and walking more but not enough to feel or see a difference. Plus I have little to no time to exercise! I do own that exercise ball though and did finally get the time to air it up today but not much else. And I also have a set of 5 lb. hand weights.
    -I am dating a guy who is in the Air Force and who is already fit. He has now been deployed to Guam for the last two months and has lost 10 lbs. + already and is getting even more toned! He will be home in 2 more months and I am feeling even more pressure to look as good as him when he returns. heh.
    -and lastly, I really want to feel good again and not like a frump! My body is way overdue for that whole body in balance thing!

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully shedding a few brownies off my thighs.
  • Turquoise52! You've come to the right place to receive the inspiration and support you need to help you stay motivated on your weight-loss journey. I'm sorry to hear that you suffer from Crohn's, but you'll find lots of helpful hints and suggestions in our Dieting with Obstacles forum.
    We're happy to have you joining us and look forward to getting to know you better!
  • Just wanted to welcome you to the site!