15lbs down 100 more to go

  • so im new....ive managed to cut down and have already lost 15 in the last month. looking to loose 100 more by December 2009 that would put me at 135. so yes that means i started at a whopping 250. i just wanted to introduce myself and say hi! im 22, an optician, married for 2 years now, never thin thin, athletic in high school, never ever this large, and im trying to loose wait by watching my calories (under 1700 a day) drinking lots and lots of water, and slowly getting more and more active.
  • Congraulaions to ou!
    Wow, Bunny! That is great! Sounds like you have a good plan, too. My best to you!
  • Welcome Bunny! 15 lbs is great! I hope to have that kind of monthly progress, or at least a fraction of it ...good luck to you!
  • We're all rooting you on bunny!!! Thats a great start!!