Strength traning

  • Hello! I'm planing on adding strength traning into my workout routine. I usually do 3 miles on the treadmill or 20 miles on the stationary bike daily. I go to the gym, but I don't want to use the strength training equipment. Do any of you strength train from home? What do you use? I have an exercise it possible to use that? Any suggestions would be great.
  • I use free weights at home, and also a bowflex for some things. Anything can be used for resistance, though. Resistance bands are an excellent way to get started w/o getting hurt. Also, a medicine ball can be really useful. Resistance training is a great way to change up your routine and tone those muscles, not to mention helping out the metabolism. Good luck!
  • Can I ask why you don't want to use the equipment at the gym if you already go there? There are things you can do at home, but if you're really working to build strength and muscle, then at some point you'll hit a stall where you cannot continue at home w/out buying quite a bit of expensive equipment.

    Having a well equipped gym to go to is a godsend for me ... I can't imagine NOT working out at my gym.
