Featherweight 2 lb. challenge #4

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  • Or maybe we could just make the challenge a week long? Although somebody will lose the 2lb faster and still start the next thread it gives us all more time hit our targets...

    Argh, scale is back up today. 158.1
  • Sw: 150
    Cw: 149.2 (-0.8)
    Gw: 148
  • SW: 149.6
    CW: 149.6
    GW: 147.6

    But I can't complain...three days at current weight! Longest time sub 150 since the early 70's!
  • I can't believe it, I did it!
    SW 154.8
    CW 152.4
    GW 152.8
    I'll start the new thread this evening, but everybody give me your opinion: Should we make this a 3 or 4 pound challenge? Do we put a one week time limit on it, and whoever loses the most weight starts the new one? (Good idea Spoz!)
  • err, no change in weight today either. My calories are right where I want them but my food choices are deteriorating. Why must I learn and relearn what works for me and what will never work for me???

    I am ok with whatever the group majority wants for these challenge terms. I just want a loss, don't care where I post it
  • Dang! I'm up today. Now I have to lose 2.5 pounds. Hopefully it is just water retention from my workout yesterday.
  • Well, I don't think there should be a time limit - otherwise what is the point of having a weight goal - why not just say who lost most at the end of the week gets to start the new thread if you're going to do it that way.

    But perhaps 3 is better.

    But I will go along with whatever - just giving my opinion