Skim milk & Nonfat milk-The same thing?

  • Hello-

    One of my recipe books I received with Turbo Jam states to use nonfat milk, and then in another recipe states to use skim milk. Aren't they the same? Or are they saying with the nonfat milk recipe you can also use 1/2%? What are your thoughts?
  • Skim Milk is nonfat milk. It/they contain less than 1/2% milk fat.

    When my son was little, he thought we were calling Skim Milk, Skin Milk. He called milk Skin Milk and Fat Milk. Kinda gets right to the point.
  • Thanks Webrover. I just thought it was odd that the same workout recipe book would have recipes that would call for skim milk in one and nonfat in the other. I'm just going to use skim milk for all of them. I like the taste so why not? Thanks!!