I need suggestions!

  • Hey guys!

    I assume ya'll are like the diet-experts here and that you guys know which ones work and which ones don't. The situation is, I want to lose at least 5 pounds in 4 weeks (more would be nice, however!) I'm 18 and the pounds I'm trying to lose are those super-stubborn ones that won't go easily. I binge when I'm deprived but I exercise frequently. So basically, eating is my weakness and exercising is my strength. K any suggestions? Any tips would be appreciated!!! Thanks!
  • Suggestions 4U
    Difficult to give 1 answer, you're asking a lot. But, assuming you are not much overweight and healthy, like me, you could try:
    1. Never skip breakfast
    2. Eat about 6-7 small healthy meals and snacks a day, upping a total of about 1800 KC
    3. Drink a lot of water! (Coffee and Tea DO NOT COUNT, as the caffeine in them dehydrates you)
    4. Check out some sites like www.foodfit.com or www.cookinglight.com that feature tips and (easy) recipes on healthy eating and living
    5. DO eat (olive) oil (2 teaspoons) on every salad you eat, your body needs it.
    6. For me, if I overtrain (1 1/2 to 2 hours/day) and am tired into the bargain, I DO NOT lose weight whatever I do. Try to sleep enough and train moderately (up to 1 1/2 hours, 4-max 5 times/week). You need the rest.

    Hope this helps, Vassiliki (Athens, Greece)
  • More details
    Thanks for the good advice but I was thinking that yah, if I had given maybe a few more details it would've helped huh? My BMR is around 1315 so I don't think 1800 cals would be right for me right? I try to eat around 1400 but I binge a lot At my weight, it takes a lot of exercise to do very little so I try to workout about 2 hours a day...cos don't you need to like...burn 500 extra cals a day to lose 1/2 - 2 pounds a week? So do you think my best bet would be to just follow the basics - burn more than you take in? I dunno it seems a like set plan helps keep me focused and more disciplined...and they're just so cool any ideas or programs (free) that you've done in the past that have worked?