August August

  • welcome to august people....
    half way through the year already, can you believe it?....
    blink your eye lids and we will be at christmas....

    im starting the month on 143.5lbs (just weighed - am ecstatic!)....
    going to exercise everyday....
    and am aiming for an 8lb loss....

    how are you guys?....
  • I'm back at WW have lost 4lbs in my first week so my tracker is accuarate again. hope to lose 1-2 lbs this week. was a bit naughty a some garlic bread last night but probably have burned it off today with all the excercise I've done.
  • I'm hoping to lose 20 lbs by December. I really really hope I can do it. I've eventually got back onto plan after two awful months and I seem to have lost 2 lb in the last week so I just hope I can stick to it.
  • Happy August peeps!

    Sh315 - cannot believe you used the C-word!
  • Hiya! I'm back again
    I wasnt happy with my weight and slow gain, SO Im regulating my eating habits again
    I weighed 8.3 a week ago, maybe a lb due to bloating but still not happy so keepin a note of all I eat on FoodFocus So far down to 8stone exactly. I'll hopefully get that down to 7:10 if not more before Sept.

    I just know august is gunna be pants!