Newbie needs help!!!

  • Hi, I'm new. I'm very depressed about my weight gain. A few years ago I had gained up to 220 pounds. I joined weight watchers and lost down to 185. I know it's still alot to weigh, but I really felt good about myself and felt good physically. People were always praising me on my transformation. Then I started to gain a few pounds, got depressed, took Lexipro and ballooned. Since that time I've continued to gain to my present weight of 225. Life is not good for me. All good things in life are over shadowed by my poor self image, but I can't seem to stop eating. I worry about being fat, but it makes me eat more. Help!!!
  • You've come to the best place! I believe the chickees here are awesome! They always have something good to say and great advice!! I'm really happy I joined this community. I know exactly how you feel about being depressed about a weight gain. I've gained 25 lbs in 6 months due to being put on an insulin pump and being able to eat normally again. But normally meant whatever whenver. Its about control. and you really need to take control of your life, your weight, and your health. Do it for yourself. No one else.

    You remember how it felt before when you lost weight, it'll feel that good again. Do it for that feeling. I'm doing WW and its a lifestyle change and I know that weight wont fly off but I'm willing to wait. Please don't let this weight gain get to you! Use it as motivation.

    Trust me, you aren't the only one with the situation. You have tons of support here! Welcome and I wish you the best of luck losing weight again! I have faith in you, you've done it before, you can do it again. =)
  • Thanks for the encouraging words, Tink. I remember that feeling, and I do want it back. Feeling bad about yourself harms your relationships with others as well, and I guess I'm at that point. Many of the things you said hit home with me. Thanks again. I plan to report my progress regularly.
  • Oh, I know EXACTLY how you are feeling. But, you have taken the first step. Find a plan that works for you, and come back here every day. The folk here are so supportive and wise and wonderful. You CAN do this!!!!!!
  • Welcome!! You've definitely come to the right place to get your self-image and lifestyle together. There's ton of support here.