11 lbs in 30 days ...

  • ... and I am so happy. I am so happy because I believe I am finally learning how to manage my eating without starving, binging, defeating myself, depriving myself, counting everything in my head over and over all day and all the other unhealthy things I did to sabotage myself. It has been EASY!

    For example, I bought a small pack of Peanut M&Ms on Saturday as a tiny treat (they are low GI after all ) and tonight (Wednesday) I remembered they were in my purse.. .after only having a couple on Sat. You don't realize how big that is for me! In the past, I would have scarfed the whole bag in about 30 seconds and either gone off on an all out binge, or would have berated myself for days for *cheating* and would have starved myself to *make up for it*.... and when I found them again, I had about 5, and put the bag back -- no guilt, no obsessing. I cannot believe the smallest pack of m&ms has lasted me nearly a week

    I think I have finally made that *connection* everyone talks about! It isn't as though I have never lost weight before -- I have, but gained it all back and some friends too... but it has never *felt* like this. It has always felt like this huge burden of barely holding it together from one meal to the next with all the unhealthy mindsets and actions I mentioned above.

    This is actually an eating plan I can live with forever. I am just happy
  • Congrats
  • That is wonderful!! Congratulations!
  • that's great!

  • A plan you can live with FOREVER, yup, that's very KEY! You positively exude happiness, you should be so proud of yourself! Keep up the great work!
  • Congratulalations, that is a fabulous state of mind to reach. It is so nice to feel your body working with you and not against you; and you working with your body and not against it.
  • Your happiness and success are great!
    Quote: ... This is actually an eating plan I can live with forever. I am just happy
    So happy for your success! Best wishes!
  • I can really relate to the whole m&m scenerio -- I do that with food now to and its awesome! I havent binged in awhile and even if i do sneak something like a little candy ill have just a bite or two and throw the rest away without scarfing it all down in 2 seconds
    its great