Wanting to start Weight Watchers need advice

  • I have a hectic work schedule. I work 12 hour rotating shifts, and like last week my only days off were Wed. & Thur. and this week I only work those two days. I only have one place listed nearby to go (I don't want to pay a lot of gas to drive out of my way).

    Anyway what I am wondering is with my schedule, I would not be able to attend weekly meetings. I do not want to join online because I know going to have someone weigh me and keep me accountable will help me. I really need to go. I have tried other diets that don't work, I am sick of myself and being soooo out of shape!

    Does anyone attend meetings this way? Is it possible? What would I have to do pay double ever other week?
  • My schedule is varied too. I try to attend one particular meeting (Monday morning) as much as possible, but, for example, I won't be able to attend that one for the next few weeks. I try to keep that as my weigh-in time too, but this week I will need to go Tuesday PM, then the following week Tuesday AM, etc.

    You just need to go in once a week, any time your centre is open, to weigh-in. You can then attend any any meeting or all of the meetings if you want to for that week. You pay at the time of weigh-in. Then you just show them your stamped weight booklet when you go to a meeting.

    Good luck, and welcome to 3FC!

    PS - If you only go for weigh-in once every two weeks, then yes, you'll end up paying for that missed weigh-in.
  • I work 12 hour night shifts, and I just signed up. My first meeting was yesterday and it went well. I'm already 2 lbs lighter on the scale today (lol water weight!) but I feel better already just not pigging out. I work the next 3 nights and we'll see how it all holds up! I plan on just having my points go midnight to midnight instead of switching meals around due to my work schedule. I usually end up eating my meal at work by midnight anyway, and I'll count a small breakfast at home before bed in the morning as breakfast.

    Plan plan plan! I think thats really the best way. I'll be able to go to the 2nd meeting on saturday again, but the next day I'll be going a different day.

  • I work every day. I work Mon-Fri from 7 am-7 pm, Saturday and Sunday it's varied. I still go to WW meetings. I started last week but I go early on Saturday morning. I'm so glad I did. It has already given me so much to look forward to and I realize I am going to have so much support. I'd suggest you try to find time to go, it will be worth it.
  • you would unless you do pre-pay tickets or monthly pass.