300+ Weekly Thread #1168

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  • Carol-I can't believe you made your poor husband read that thing. The reviewer in the paper said she there were distinct characters that you quickly learn to love that she was hungry for more details about. So I'm trying to think of which ones she meant. I'd guess Fr. Paul right off, and maybe the insane hound dogs, but I didn't think I talked about anyone else enough, except the bad guys, and I don't think she meant them. I've thought about making Fr. Paul a character in the murder mystery I'm writing, and no, not as the corpse.

    If anyone wants to read the review online, I can PM the link to you. I don't think I'm supposed to put links on the site. Plus, It does use my name, so I suppose I should use some discretion. My husband and I are so public, that being anonymous online is practically impossible, but I try sometimes.

    I am on my second day of food journaling again, and I feel so much better already. I know that this works best for me, so why on Earth did I stop?
  • Julia - you look grrrrrrrreat in your new avatar!
  • Catherine, is the new toilet in yet? My in-laws had one of those and it felt like I was sitting on a throne, it was sooooooo high, but sure easier to get off of.
    I'm glad the journaling is helping you. Hmm...something I need to get back to too.

    Julia, ewww....2 root canals, I just hate those things. Just take good care of yourself after having them done and rest.

    Jess8, YaY for you on getting on the treadmill!!!

    Annie, I'll be over next week to help you with your house....if you still feel you need me.

    Nancy, good to see you posting again! How did WW go?

    Monica Dianne, hope you're WW meeting goes well and it works out for you.

    Carol, glad you get the day off and can enjoy some time at home with a nice cuppa joe. Have fun cleaning out the closets!!

    Debi, will do!

    Well, everything is pretty much cleaned and ready for the fam to get here today. I'm hurting though. The back just can't take it anymore. But everything looks so nice now. I should do that more often. HA!!
    Today is still some more laundry and vacuuming the furniture, yes my little angels rest on the furniture. They're my little people. LOL
    I won't be on too much in the next 5 days but I'll be thinking of all of you and asking myself, what would my sisters in loss think about me eating this or that.
    Have a great weekend!
  • Nancy: Thanks sweetie. It sure is nice to see you back here. I hear ya on the accountability issues. I sure need you guys and appreciate all of you.

    Carol: Sorry your week was so tiring. My support goup for WLS on Tuesdays was reading a book called, "Body Clutter". I didn't read it as I wasn't in the book club but they often talk about how much it helped them out. Maybe it is worth checking out at the library or something. I signed up for the 5K again. Thanks for always keeping us posted. I don't go to other sites here at 3fc unless someone like yourself mentions something out there. lol. Have a nice day off.

    Monica: I love the Gazelle. I got one when I was about 300+ pounds and got rid of it because we were short on room and I was too heavy for it. I wish now that I still had it as I would use it daily. Hind site and all. I say go for it. There was a lovely lady that I am proud to call my friend on here for quite a while and her name is Ammi. She lost about 100 pounds usuing the Gazelle daily. It is a wonderful tool.

    Debi: I will be praying for the new mommies.

    Catherine: Good for you doing the food journal. I try to do it too but in a way that I concentrate on calories, protein and liquid intake. I was doing really well when I was working. I think I need to get back into it now. It always suprises me to see what little or even a lot I am eating.

    Julia: I love your new avatar pic. You are so beautiful!

    Debbie: Have a fun week with your friends and family. Don't you dare forget to come back here when it is over! I will have to come and spank you.

    Well, I put a roast in the crock pot with carotts and potatos and onions. It has been cooking for 2 hours now on low and it smells really good.

    I picked 2 yellow crook neck squash from my garden last night. Yummy. I may cook them for dinner. Hopefully a zuchinni or two will be ready to add to it.

    I should clean my house today as it is about that time of the week but I am so sluggish and just not feeling it. lol. I may try to do the back of the house at least then the bathrooms will be clean and all the bedrooms will be clean and vacuumed. When Dh gets home this evening we will be doing yard work. We have such a busy schedule this weekend especially Saturday. WE are going to a birthday bar b q party then to see the Spokane Shock arena football last game of the season. It should be fun.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  • Hello all,
    Well today has been not good! I have handled myself well with food though. I started out with getting ready to go on a bicycle ride but wanted to check mail first. So, I went to check mail and there was someone else in there working. I asked where the other guy was and why she was there. She said he had an appointment. I said that is weird as he did NOT ask me to work. She said she knew nothing about it. So I was pretty upset about that. I really stewed on it for a while, no, I did not get the bicycle ride in, and decided to call another person to see what I could do about it. Hubby said I should call the above boss! So I stewed on that a little while as I didn't want to make things worse for me as I still had to be working with this guy. Well, I finally called the big guy, and this really put him in a mood. He told me he knew me, and has always been pleased with my work, and this was a total wrong move that this guy had done to me and he let me know that I could call him with anything. And he thought it was crap and that he would definitely be handling this as I have worked there for 11 years and he knew he could count on me at a moments notice for anything or anytime he needed me to work. That made me feel better that he said that as he knows what a dedicated employee I am. So between talking to hubby about it and the big boss, I feel better. Not a lot, but at least I am not as upset as I was earlier. The girls are saying they are hungry, but I just ate breakfast an hour ago as I had myself all worked up and didn't feel like eating then, but I knew I would get yelled at if I didn't eat anything. I think I could be an emotional starver but not be hungry or thirsty, and then I would get dehydrated, and who needs that!!! So I better go and drink some water! I only have 1 20oz. bottle in today. I know, I need to get on that.

    Carol- THANK YOU! Yesterday, I got in half of my water, today I WILL get it in. I WILL, I WILL! (I am telling myself this) Stay on top of me with this, I need it. You are truly awesome. Enjoy your day - Relax - Even stay in pjs if you want!

    Julia-Your pic is great!

    Debi- I will keep them in my prayers! Keep us posted.

    Monica-definitely try some of the recipes they are good. You sound anxious about the WW meeting. Let us know how it goes! I hate exercise too, but I always feel better after I do it. We should find another word for it. Exercise just sounds like work! lol

    Annie- how are the allergies today?

    Debbie54-How is your day going? Check in when you can, I know your brother comes today. Have a great time with him there!

    I will check back in later, I thank all of you for your encouragement and support! Penny
  • Jess8...if you lost weight while TOM is here..that is huge. Kudos to you for that part alone!

    So last night I spent the night in the apartment alone for the very first time. I go away plenty on business and I am used to not sleeping with DH in other beds...but it was weird to do it here and I wasn't terribly fond of it. He went to San Diego for the night/day for Comic-Con and will be back tonight. he just called to say that he picked up some free stuff for me and my friend...which was nice. I am so irked at the friends of ours who drive him down. They are absolutely incapable of being on time for anything. Originally they told DH to be at their place at 10:30 a.m. Then it got changed to 1 pm. Then we met them mid-errands at 1:15 and they did not leave LA until close to 5. That is so unfair to DH...since he only had last night and today and they are going the whole weekend. It's hard to be mad at them since they id give him the ride...but this happens all the time with them. They ruined our NYE plans becuase they were so late. It was also annoying because DH took yesterday off of work...and if they were not going to leave until 5 he and I could have spent the day together instead of rushing around to get him where he needed to be and then having him sit in their living room for hours. ARGH....vent over.

    Catherine...PLEASE send me the link to the review!!!
  • Debbie-the new toilet is not in yet. He's broken two flanges so far, and had to go for new ones. I would have preferred to put it in myself, but somehow, I think the city would have wondered why they were paying for a disabled toilet for someone able bodied enough to install it themselves. I'm keeping my eye on things though. It will go in properly to code, or there will be a hissy fit. The old one was original judging by the horrid harvest gold color, and the building is 30 years old, so I expected there to be broken flanges and bolts. I told himself that he'd have to be careful and not slam into it since it's higher. He's 6'5", so I have a feeling he's going to like it. I'm hoping it will seem like a bigger target for him too. He's got horrible aim.
  • Carol – Thanks for missing me. I definitely think there is a link between fat and other clutter. One of my factors for staying on track is how my home feels and whether or not it feels clean and open to possibility or messy and bogged down with stuff.

    Monica – I am totally not a cook, so I can’t help you very much. I just started WW too and am very interested to hear what you think!

    Debi – My prayers go out to your best friend’s daughter and her baby. That must be terrifying for her and her family.

    Catherine - I would love it if you could PM me with info on your book. That is so cool!

    Debbie – A clean house is a wonderful thing! Have a great time away, wherever you are going.

    Annie – I love having busy weekends full of fun things to do. Getting the chores done during the week can be tough though when you come home late and are tired. It is so cool that you and your hubby work together to get everything done.

    Worthapenny – Work stress can be so tough to deal with. Congrats on not using food to cope.

    Julee – That sucks that your friends are so unreliable. As someone who is very punctual, that stuff drives me crazy. That is so cool that your DH went to Comic-con.

    WW was interesting, but it seemed to be mostly women who are MUCH smaller than me. I had this conversation with the woman afterwards about getting started and she said something about not being able to binge on healthy foods. I was like – um…. If you have bingeing problems you can binge on anything. I need to try and be open to learning and not get all haughty because I have already lost more than most of these people. Feeling like I totally knew what I was doing was part of what got me in trouble with this backslide in the first place, so I need to be very way of my ego there.

    I chose the flex plan over core since I don’t like being bound by options. That tends to make me rebel and want to eat what I am not supposed to. I am using their online tracking tool, which is one of the things I know helps keep me on track. I think I will try and muddle through with the groceries I have and then go shopping over the weekend.

    Now the big next step is to get myself back into that gym! I don’t know why I am finding this so hard. I was LOVING my dance classes. I need to figure out this weird mental wall I have built up and smash it down quickly!
  • Good afternoon all,

    I'm playing hooky this afternoon. I don't know from what, but I feel I should be doing something. We've had rain on and off (just some thunder at that moment) during the afternoon, so yard work is out. I was going to bake pizza shells to freeze but will do them next week so I can have one fresh for dinner. I could have made jam, but I didn't take the fruit out of the freezer to thaw.

    So, I'm just playing around on the computer instead.

    Annie -
    I do the same thing with swimsuits and bras (the cotton ones). I suppose the material stretches and I don't want to replace them too soon. I like to think I'm frugal. I miss sleeping in. I've been making it a point to get up at 8am (sometimes a little later Sat/Sun) but nothing really late. I'm naturally a night person and I'm trying to make sure I don't fall into the 3am - 11am routine that I used to do when working for myself. I do hope your allergies are better though.

    Carol - congrats on the scale being down and hope you got all your work done. It never seems to get done when you're off, does it? Sounds like you have plans for your time off, although do find something more fun than cleaning/tiding to do!

    Lauren -

    Penny - I find that I'm really consistent with the water when I'm in my usual routine. If I'm out running errands I'll let it slide. I'm lucky that our tap water is pretty decent (we've lived in cities where it isn't) so I just refill bottles out of the tap.

    Monica -
    I know that sometimes the weekly threads can be intimidating but just jump right in. On the weeks when I'm busy I might just drop in and say hello. Today when I've got tons of free time (it's raining again) I do personals. It really is a good thing to know where you're starting from (no matter where it is). I spent too much time pretending I was just a little bit over 330 (where my digital scale gave an error). It's better to find out where you are and start working on it. Good luck with your first WW meeting.

    Debi -
    that's funny, corn showing up on your porch overnight. That's a great thing!

    Bernice -
    that's fantastic about the weight! Have fun with the workout DVDs.

    Penny - boy your girls are busy. I did dance and singing as a child (hate the dance). My mother wanted me to do piano but I didn't want to. I do wish she'd pushed me more at the time. I tried taking it up later as an adult but I was far too critical of what little talent I had.

    Debbie -
    that's the problem, once you start cleaning you just see more that needs cleaning. At least that's how it works for me. Feel free to smack hubby a little, although at least he did give you some warning.

    Catherine - I read an article recently on how people lose twice as much when they journal their food. It wasn't even about calorie counting, just that when people kept track of what they ate the seemed to control it better. Good luck on continuing your weight loss.

    Sharon -
    that's a tough question. I know a couple of times I've missed out on jobs (been told before the interview) because I had qualifications that they thought didn't fit. They felt I wouldn't be happy, or wouldn't stay. If you do a cover letter you could make a point about looking specifically for part-time work, spend more time with your children, or something like that. If you are simply filling out a form with no options for extra, I'd consider 'forgetting' to fill in some of the education. It's always tricky though if they find out. I'd probably be honest and hope you get a chance to discuss it. Good luck. Oh, and the cat, loves water. He drinks out of the pool, and if you run the tap and he's around he often will try and jump into the sink to have a drink.

    Julia -
    ouch (root canals). I've had one, and I hope there aren't any others, but good luck. There's also a lot of evidence to show that doing more everyday activities can be just as good for weightloss as doing an hour of agressive exercise. Some people will do the hour and then have no energy for anything else. So, for one hour they'll burn more, but then the next 4 or 5 they'll do nothing. It might be better to just more a little more over the 6 hours instead. So see, you're doing well.

    Jess - don't feel bad about 'only a pound'. Every pound lost is a good thing, they will all add up. I do sometimes think we're too impatient with weight loss goals. It can make it harder to feel good about small losses when really, every loss is a victory.

    Nancy - sorry that you're in the situation of losing previously lost weight. I'm about 2 lbs away right now from my lowest on my last attempt. I know I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything since I'm losing the weight yet again. Hey, at least you caught it and are back working on it. Good luck with WW.

    Julee -
    I used to have a friend like that. You would make plans and she would cancel. You would arrange to meet in a restaurant and she would be the only no show. I stopped trying to make the effort, then I heard back from someone that she couldn't understand why she hadn't seen me in so long. I relented and invited her to dinner a while back with a mutual friend... and she got stuck in traffic and didn't make it. I gave up. I just invited the same friend for dinner with her husband and I only briefly thought about extending the invitation to the other one. It must be even more frustrating since you needed them for the ride.

    Well ladies, I think that's it for me at the moment. It has rained (and stopped) at least twice since I started. Every time I think maybe I'll go for a swim I hear thunder. I suppose skipping one day might not be such a big deal. Take care all and hope the end of the week is a good one!
  • Hi All,

    Just dropping in to say a quick hello. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to do personals this week. This week has been really crazy at work and at home. All week I've been dealing with people at work who either make me question my own sanity or theirs, I'm not sure which. DH has been doing a roof replacement all week in 100+ degree heat, so he's been wiped out. My stress level has me wanting everything with a carb in it. My weight has been doing jumping jacks all week (up, down, up, down). Oh, and did I mention that we have yet ANOTHER birthday tomorrow with - let me see - more cake?!!

    Oh well, enough of me griping. I'm just blowing off steam. This thread is a little overwhelming for me, so I'll try to do personals next week. Take care everybody.

  • M'Chelle - remember, personals are like a bonus. Just keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. If it's really hot I find that my water retention can get higher (meaning I have to drink more water). So if it's not up and down because of food, then try drinking more.
  • Penny: Sorry that you were treated poorly from your employer! My allergies seem to be better right now but I imagine they will flare up when we mow in a bit. lol. Drink your water!

    Julee: I know what you mean about something weird when you sleep in your own bed without DH than in a strange bed. Hugs to ya.

    Nancy: I hope you are able to work out the mental block soon. Good luck on WW too hun.

    Anne: I am usually up by 6 a.m. but those benedryl knock me for a loop. lol. I hope you get to swim soon.

    Mchelle: i concure with what Anne said. No stress to post personals at all. Only do them if/when you feel like it. We just like to see how you are doing. It will come to you. I have been here since 2005 so it takes a while to get to know everyone and their lives. Good luck just saying "no" to the cake and goodies at the birthday party. You can do it!

    I cleaned my house!!! I am so happy to have it sparkling clean. Dinner is finished except I will make some gravy for the potatoes and heat up some sourdough bread. After dinner we are going to tackle the yard work and then all of our weekend chores will be done! It will be so nice to relax the whole weekend just doing fun things. DH won't let me weed eat. He is afraid I will cut off a toe or something. lol I don't mind. I am the one who mows. He dumps the grass out of the bag and puts it back on for me and I mow. Good system for us.

    I heard back from the City job and they hired someone else. Oh well. I guess there will be something for me. I am hoping that the Catholic school gives me a call. They are hiring an office manager. I sent my resume on Tuesday I think. Hopefully I will hear from them next week.

    Blessings all,
  • just a quick stop in..
    the baby is still hanging on..he weighed a little over 19 ounces tubes and all. THe first 6 hours went well...now we are at almost 12 hours. havent heard anything for a few hours so i take that as a good sign! THey say he is taking some breaths on his own. AMAZING
    the other mom is still having pains but not bad...She will be in the hospital till the girls are born..not sure when that will be. Longer she can carry them the better it will be. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers and keep them coming.
    dieting has been hard today...i think im a nervous eater.
  • I was told it is okay to put the link for my book review up since it isn't for a competing weight loss web site, so here it is for those who want to read it.


    It's a pdf, so give it a sec to come up, and it's on page 5.
  • Greetings peeps!!

    I have news on the work front. A friend is moving laterally into a new position and put in a good word for me for her old position (which is an upgrade for me). I met with her boss and he is fantastic!! It would be doing more of what I'm doing now, but with emergency programs. I'm so excited.. they might set up a detail where I can do the job for 30 days to get more experience. I've encountered some professional stress in my job that had me chewing nails and spitting tacks yesterday and this morning, but this news has me dancing in the air! w000h000!!

    Hugs to all the folks here and welcome to all the newcomers.

    *Dancing off for the evening*
