Bad news/good news?

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  • Thanks so much for all of your support, everyone! Wow! I can't believe how great this website is... You all are so great. This is exactly what I needed.

    Quote: I'm a little concerned that you said that what you've been doing for the last few days is unhealthy, or that you couldn't sustain it. I know for most people here the key to success is to find something that we can keep doing for the rest of our lives. Can you share what your current plan is?
    Whoops! Sorry if the way I wrote it made it sound like I was doing something unhealthy. Funnily enough, the reason I clarified that I understand that I can't continue at this rate is because I didn't want to sound unhealthy, hehe. What I meant was that since the "healthy" amount of weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week, I understand that I can't continue to lose 4 lbs every other day, because if I did that would probably be an indication of something unhealthy... Just saying that I'm not setting myself up for disappointment or anything if I DON'T continue to lose that much! But I definitely appreciate your concern.

    And you are absolutely right; I want to make a permanent change in my life (and of course, maintain the weight I lose!). The current plan I've tried to adopt is counting calories--I'm aiming for 1500 per day, which seems healthy to me. Also trying to adopt the usual suggestions: 5 small meals a day, drinking lots of waster, etc. As far as exercising, I'm still battling with finding a regular plan for working out. The only kinds I much care for are swimming (which I do a LOT--<3 the beach!) and dancing, so I'm considering trying the Zumba videos or something similar... Since the calorie-counting seems to be working so well, I hope that will motivate me to get off my butt and exercise, too!

    Thanks again to everyone for your support!!!