Alas, hairiness.

  • Yup. My legs from the knees down are just about the hairiest pair you could ever hope to see. I shave them, obviously, so I can avoid looking like a yeti, but the problem is, even when I do the hair is still visible as VERY noticeable black dots in every follicle. It doesn't seem to matter how often I shave, I can't get it to go away. I've actually also tried hair removal cream (nair), in the hope that it would totally remove the hairs so they didn't leave that black spot behind. Unfortunately, all it did was make my legs bleed- it didn't even get rid of some of the hair.

    What has worked for you guys in situations like this?
  • Have you tried waxing. I know it means letting it grow out a little but then it takes it from the root. I would think the darkness you're seeing is the blunt end of the cut off hair.

    Hair removal cream is just horrid stuff imo.