Thank you for leading me...

  • Thanks to all who led me to find the great websites that track your daily calories!!!!

    I've narrowed it down to 2:

    I haven't decided which one i like best yet, but so enlightening!!! It takes all the guess work out AND (most importantly) I can't decieve myself any more!!!!

    Woo hoo!!!

    It's been about a week since I joined 3fc. I was very discouraged when i came aboard. After all, I've been at this weight loss thing now for 5 years. Sometimes i lose some weight, but it always comes back. I really wasn't sure I'd find the motivation to start yet another attempt. But I have found it!!!

    Not only due to these websites, but also all the stories and support on this website! I'm so relieved!!

    So, let me get going and live up to your examples!! I'm sure that one day...I too will reach my goal and possibly inspire someone else!!