Mindless Eating Freakout!

  • So, I have a headache. Oh, AND PMS too.

    So, for some reason, it seemed like a good idea to check email and relax and eat from a bag of "Island Jerk" Kettle Chips. Why was this a good idea????

    I thought I would just have a serving, and at 150 calories, it's a "controlled splurge". No biggie, right? In theory, anyway!

    Well, I ate most of the 5 oz. bag before I realized it!!!

    Next time, I will carefully measure out a serving and put it on a plate or in a bowl and SEAL the remaining package up.

    I guess I'm having a salad for dinner, with a side of steamed veggies, because I just mindlessly ate 400 of the calories I had planned for dinner.

    Anyone else make any silly, mindless mistakes that put you over your calorie budget?
  • Edamame. I can't buy the stuff without wolfing the whole bag down.

    Today I bought some Wasabi flavored, thinking "there is NO way I can overeat Wasabi anything." Wrong.

    I had 2 cucumbers, a tomato, and 4 tbsp hummus for dinner because of an Edamame binge. Grrr.
  • Hey, at least yours had some nutritional value! Potato chips are pretty dangerous for me and there's no trade off of it being "healthy".
  • I struggle with potato chips, too - even baked ones! I just can't have them in the house. I measure out a portion fine and dandy, but somehow my hand keeps going back to the bag (after my legs walk them over to the cabinet!).

    Some thing are just banned in anything other than a single serving package.
  • I switched to Lays Light potato chips. They are half the calories and the serving size is the same. I love them. It is a smaller bag, so a little more expensive, but they are just as good.

    I go crazy on the delight pizza from Papa Johns. I will eat half of it if I am not careful. So much for my "smart choice."
  • I made guacamole with roasted peppers the other night, thinking "I'll just have a bit before dinner."

    About fifteen minutes later, I'd eaten the entire avocadoworth of guacamole and learned the hard way that I should only make it when there are people around to share the calories with (my husband doesn't care for it).

    Kettle Chips are not safe in my house. I've never seen the "Island Jerk" flavor, but they sound incredible.
  • I do that with Cape Cod reduced fat chips. I try not to buy them, they just jump into may cart-LOL!!
    I'm a binge eater, so actually, I do this all of the time. Ok, now I'm depressed
  • I totally get what you're saying...
    Mindless eating sometimes happens with me when I have jelly lite.
    I figure, at 35 calories a packet, its not a big deal, but that loses meaning when I'm up to the fourth packet in a row without realising it....
  • Oh yeah. And kettle chips are a huge huge huge weakness for me. The only way I can not overeat on chips is to buy a single serving bag or to portion out a serving and toss the rest. Seriously. The last time I was at the deli and they filled my plate with chips (I forgot to ask for no-chips), I wound up crunching up all but 15 of them in my napkin and tossing hte crumbs to the birds ... it's the ONLY way.

    Hi. My name is PhotoChick and I'm a potatochip-aholic.

  • I am so glad you started this thread, I so needed this.

    I started Monday watching my calories and being mindful of what I eat and how much. I am a compulsive eater...so this really helps being so accountable for every ounce I put in my mouth. Well yesterday was okay until my sister came over with Happy Meals for the kids (her 2 and my 2). No biggie, I resisted temptation when she called me and asked if I wanted anything. But when she got there and my one year old didnt eat all of her fries...it hit my like a ton of bricks. Not the best thing, but I can deal....1/2 a thing of small fries is about 115 cal. That would have been okay if that was my only indulgence.

    Then DH got home and ate FROM THE BAG ranch doritos and I had started counting, not letting myself have anymore than 12 chips, and DH just looked at me and put them up. He knows HE cant stop eating them and that would only make it harder for me...Dodged that bullet.

    Then dinner came and went, that was okay, maybe a TINY bit more potatoes that I should have had, but I am pmsing so I wasnt too mad at myself. Then dessert. YIKES. It is save to say I LOST MY MIND. I have those devils food cookie cake things, 50 cal in one cookie. So I allowed my self 2 cookies, let the kids enjoy 2, and then once I put them in bed.. I walked by the pantry and without even thinking twice...I was eating the last opne in the box. I polished off 6 more of those bad boys!!!! Few hours later, I needed chocolate again ( I know, PATHETIC)I had an ice cream sandwich...160 cal....no TOO bad. And I actually only had one, whi9ch is a miracle b/c I dont think I've ever had less than 2 in a sitting =/

    Then 11 pm strikes, and I got a bag of cheetos..and didnt stop until they were half way gone. I almost cried myself to sleep being so ashamed of myself for just being a pig yesterday, but it's done and over with and In point today. Life happens and I was NOT prepaired for TOM. I thought it wouldnt be this bad, but I was just an animal. It disgusts me thinking about it today and it was exactly what you described... a MINDLESS eating freakout. I ate twice the amount of calories I do.

    So dont be TOO hard on yourself...these thing happen. I myself was a human garbage disposil...lol