• [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Hey all Im new here..
    I need a lot of help.
    I use to belong to WW, but at this moment I cannot afford it. i still have some materials. Just looked on a web ite and they gave me the amount of pts I can eat, seems different from Feb..
    I need help with eating proper, and recipes. Lately I LOVE FOOD
    I have IBS badly, and a thyroid problem ugggh. So I cannot eat eggs, milk, a lot of red meats and nothing with seeds or spicy. No tomatoes for me, I question myself what kind of Italian am I? LOL LOL LOL
    I need help with excerises, I cannot go to a gym now, really cannot afford it so all support me and help me..
    I had some photos takes on me last year. I wanted to do modeling. The pictures came out great considering none were touched up (which says a lot for me being I have had low low low self esteem all my life), but I had a lot of stress and gained weight like crazy, had a passing in family and moved to another state two months ago.. (Miss everyone in NY) I became an emotional eater.
    It has been my dream to do something with these pictures.
    Guys please HELP ME.... GET ME GOING..
  • Bella, Is that you in the avatar? You are beautiful, and even though you don't want to hear it, you are fine just the way you are!

    But on to the help part. So you can eat things like salad, beans, chicken, fish, pork? Veggies? Baked potatoes/sweet potatoes? Sounds like lots of healthy choices that can be budget friendly too!

    As for exercise, you can walk, or do some exercises in the house, like crunches, and that kind of thing. Do you have some little dumbells? Try cans, like canned veggies or baked beans, to use as dumbells. Do you have a friend/spouse that can exercise with you? Your DD??

    Have you sent your photos anywhere? Can't hurt to try!
  • My sister has IBS and noticed that if she quit drinking any kinda soda, quit fast food, and cute out alot of processed food she felt alot better. I know a lot of that seems like basic diet information but the key for her was she felt better. If your an emotional eater just generally feeling better about yourself will help your eating habits ect.

    Don't be to hard on yourself because you are very beautiful and you have manged to realize what your problem is before it gets out of hand. Try to look at the postives of things for example now that your in FL you could use your tan and nice olive skin to work better for you (model wise) in that market. Also if you live near a beach swimming is a great work out that burns cals and tones at the same time.
  • Hello and welcome. I don't belong to a gym and I don't belong to WW or anything like that. A few years ago, I lose weight on Nutrisystem but gained it all back once I started eating 'white' carbs. NS is based on low glycemic foods like whole grains and unenriched flour. Right now I'm following their meal plan but with my own food.

    You can visit my blog and click on meal plan to see what I eat daily. For instance... Breakfast consists of 1/2 cup of granola cereal with 1/2 cup milk, a low fat yogurt and a piece of fruit. Lunch is a salad with low fat dressing, tuna with lettuce and tomato on 1/2 of a whole wheat pita, 15 baked Lay's potato chips (120 cal)... My afternoon snack is a yogurt and a piece of fruit around 4PM. Dinner is whatever we're having at home (my hubby cooks) with NO seconds and normal portion sizes. My nitetime snack is a skinny cow ice cream cone or something like that.

    You would need to customize it for you but I have found that cutting out white carbs really makes a difference for me and it's only a few small changes in my daily life... it's not some massive change.

    I walk my dog with my husband and kids every night after dinner for my exercise.

    Just start and you'll start to feel better immediately. You'll feel in control and proud of yourself.

    <-------------There is a link to my blog on the left side of this post. Good luck to you and stay in touch!!
  • Bella

    My sister suffered from severe IBS for years. She had her gall bladder removed which made it worse. After her second child she had a hysterectomy. She is now 29 years old. She started working for this doctor about a year ago. Needless to say she had a bunch of test run and they diagnosed her with lupus. She also has the thyroid issue. She has to watch what she eats and the egg thing kills her. She loves eggs.

    She stays slim and healthy by keeping away from the foods she knows she can not have. She eats alot of salad and chicken breast. Sometimes she splurges but pays the price for it.

    But you look awesome in the photo. You are a very beautiful women and should be very proud of that. I understand the self esteem issues. Even when I weighed 115 pounds I was very unhappy with me self. It is a inner self image issue. Not an outer. We as women need to accept who we are and love who we are a people.

    You will love this group they are very supportive and I look forward to logging in everyday.
