QOD: July 7th

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  • Okay, what is your biggest fear about getting to your goal weight? Other than the fear of gaining the weight back, since I think that is a common fear for everyone!.

    Mine is that I won't be satisfied about how I look.
  • Funny you should ask...I was JUST talking to a friend about this the other day...my biggest fear is all the excess SKIN I'll have...I've lost 27 pounds and my boobs have already gotten smaller I can't imagine what everything will look when I've lost 100??? I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
  • My fear is that I'll be so overwhelmed with male attention for the first time in my life that I'll ruin my marriage....

    Not likely, but I know someone that this happened to--- was the "Fat friend" her whole life, got married, and then once she lost a TON of weight, all the attention made her realize that she "settled" and could have much better.


    As for excess skin--- if It's HORRIBLE--- I'll have it taken care of. My theory on it is this--- you have the skin no matter what. Right now it's just packed full of gross 'ol FAT... I'll take deflated skin over FAT FILLED skin anyday!!!
  • That I'll look old and shriveled up. I was more worried about this before I started losing. I guess I think of this because it was one of my mom's excuses for not losing weight. So far I've only been told that I look younger. I'm happy that my neck area is much better than I expected. I was getting those jowl things, really awful! But they are almost gone already.
  • I'm afraid I won't be satisfied.
    Afraid DH-to-be will say I'm 'too skinny'.
    Afraid he'll assume I can eat everything I 'want' to, now, and be insulted I don't like his homemade deep-fried kaka anymore.
    Afraid he'll see me with all this energy and decide to do LESS around the house than he already does.
    Afraid my little boobs will become negative spaces on my chest.
    Afraid my Butt won't look any better.
    Afraid people will ask me if I'm sick.
    Afraid people will try to 're-fatten me up.'
  • I think I'm most afraid that I'll work really hard, get down to goal weight, and then realize that what it takes to stay there is too much work and/or too few calories for me...thus rendering my life unenjoyable.
  • to all of you.

    I've had every single one of these fears. They're not nearly so bad when you get there...promise!
  • I'm afraid of male attention too. Unwanted attention - which when I look back on it had a lot to contribute to me gaining in the first place.

    Also- I'm afraid that once I start I won't be able to stop and I'll go back to the old anorexic behaviors of my youth.

    Oh and what will become of my boobs- and the rest of my body, once there isn't fat filling up all the skin.
  • I have to admit I'm in the "unwanted male attention" camp. I don't like it and was never comfortable with it. But so far it hasn't kicked in, so maybe I'm to old to have to worry about it anyway! LOL

    As for the rest, I'm already dealing with the excess skin and tube sock boobies after 90 lbs. It's not pretty but it's better than being fat! I'm kind of gotten over it. Mind you I'd like plastics if I could, but can't afford it for now.
  • I'm worried about all of the extra skin and wondering if I should start saving up now for it? lol

    Other than that I worry that once I get there I will say the heck with it and gain it all back!!
  • actually, mine is getting attn from boys. Like, the wrong kind of attn. ( if that makes sense ) It's happened a couple times in the past, where guys have given me unwanted attn, it just makes me uncomfortable. I want to find someone who loves me for my personality as well as how I look. But I want the personality attraction first.
  • Quote: That I'll look old and shriveled up. I was more worried about this before I started losing. I guess I think of this because it was one of my mom's excuses for not losing weight. So far I've only been told that I look younger. I'm happy that my neck area is much better than I expected. I was getting those jowl things, really awful! But they are almost gone already.
    what are jowl things? I haven't heard it before?
  • Jowls are the saggy skin that you see on old people on either side of their chin, along the jawline.
  • The letdown.

    I'll have worked really super duper hard by the time I hit goal weight. Will I feel like "Is that all?" Will I miss having a stupendous goal to work towards? The maintenance will be a goal, for sure - but that's lifelong. I like having short term goals to work for. I love the challenges and victories.

    To counteract the letdown and to keep myself excited I suspect my weight training and biking will help me along. I'll still get to perfect and improve my physique, have concrete goals with numbers to work for.

    I'm on my way to being an athlete! Yes sirs and ma'ams!
  • I too am afraid of what my skin will look like. So far everything is looking ok but I do have quite a bit more to lose. I guess as long as I can stuff it into some cute clothes it will be ok though.

    I am not worried about attention from the guys at all. I am married but have always loved to know I am being checked out! *lol* Everyone likes to feel like they still got it right?