Why do you have to run next to me?

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  • So a few weeks ago a started the couch to 5k running program...and I have been really liking it...but for some reason every time I go to the gym some super fit person has to come next to me and run at their like 6.5 miles per hour...I'm just trying to shuffle through my 3.5 miles per hour...there is like an entire two rows of treadmills open and they pick the one next to me...why???
  • You know what? Maybe they don't have enough self-esteem and are trying to make themselves feel better by running next to you. What really counts is that you are trying right now. And one day, you will be that super fit person but you won't have to run next to someone who just started because you will be strong and you will know it and you won't need someone to compare to make yourself feel better.
    I know C25K can be tough but look at you! You already lost over 30 pounds and that's awesome! Congrats and don't let them bother you! =)
  • Who knows? Maybe you can let it motivate instead of bother you? :<:
    Hey, by the way, great job so far! I looked at your progress and want to say
  • I had that same thing happen to me multiple times when I started hitting the gym and came to realize...SO WHAT? These people, intentionally or unintentionally were making me self conscious...when it should be the other way around.

    Most of them have never been overweight and out of shape and have no idea how hard you are working to get fit. I know - I was one of them at one time. It would have been a LOT easier maintaining fitness all these years than it is for me now trying to retake my body back.

    So be proud of yourself! Assume they aren't doing it to annoy you, move on/ignore them, and keep moving! Pretty soon you'll be in better shape than them.
  • I guess I'm one of those "super fit" people then, since I run at about 7.0-7.2mph. The thing is though, I'm 5'7" (my sister is 5'2" and weighs 110lbs and running at 5.0mph is a challenge for her) and I've been running since I was 15 (so about 6 years). Also, when I started really working out in January and started running on the treadmills staying at 5.5mph for a 5k was very difficult for me. For all you know the person running next to you trains for marathons or something and has been doing it their whole life. Don't feel discouraged. It's about your personal best. You're not competing with anyone and they're not competing with you and I'm sure if you give yourself enough time you'll some amazing improvements in yourself. It's really quite addictive.
  • I hate this too. Some people just don't realize that it makes other people uncomfortable to have someone right next to them.

    The worst thing I've experienced is two ladies (one to my right and one to my left) having a conversation when I'm on the treadmill in the middle of them. So annoying!! I felt like I was going to explode.
  • Interesting! I seem to usually end up next to someone walking on the treadmill, hair perfectly in place, cute little outfit, impeccable makeup reading a magazin, strolling at a pace guaranteed to never break a sweat. In the meantime, I'm a lovely shade of pink and mopping myself will the towel every chance I get! I think the trick is to get so into what you're doing that you don't even notice the environment around you.
  • Hahaha--- well, it might just be that those people are WEIRD--- like the people who n an EMPTY elevator will stand right next to you, the only other person.

    Or the person who gets on an escalator RIGHT behind you, instead of waiting for a second. Or the people who are walking down the sidewalk and won't slow down or speed up but instead maintain the same pace so that they're basically nipping at your heels. Some people just don't "get it"... if I had 20 treadmills to pick from, you couldn't PAY me to get on one right next to someone else. But maybe we're just more space and body conscious than others???
  • Quote: But maybe we're just more space and body conscious than others???
    I think so. To me, it's not a matter of what the person looks like. They could be stick-thin or they could be 400 pounds. I just don't want someone next to me because I probably value personal space more than most people do. I like to be alone with my thoughts when working out. Other people are a distraction.

    Yeah. . . I'm not that friendly girl at the gym.
  • LOL! I usually have the opposite problem -- there's big, 'ol sweaty me next to some teeny teenager in a form-fitting tracksuit, walking at 2mph, with make-up on, chatting on a cellphone.

    But I think that if personal space CAN be allotted, it should be. i.e. on a bus... if there are a million empty seats, you don't go sit near the one other person on the bus. Or in an empty movie theater, you don't go sit RIGHT near a stranger. Personal space. It's important. But I don't think people do that at the gym for any reason other than the fact that they're dense.
  • I agree with you guys! Just let people have their space...especially when there are a million other spaces to choose from. Yeah...and I don't get the cell phones at the gym...there was a guy that was running next to me texting the entire time...I can barely change the music on my Ipod...and he is texting!
  • silver i am right with ya girl! When I go see my trainer I am the biggest girl there....but I am damn sure I work the hardest. My face is a lovely shade of red and I have sweat past my boobs and these ladies are talking about which salad as the least calories and I swear to GOD their hair doesn't move and not an ounce of makeup runs.....nor do they sweat AT ALL. Drives me nuts...even at my fittest I DO NOT want to be that woman.
  • Taylor I sooooo get the boob sweat, a nice big v down the front. Kind of annoying, it's not like the girls are putting anything into the workout, they're just hanging out, so why would they sweat like that? Meanwhile my legs don't sweat a drop. Bodies are so weird.
  • I'm sure these folks are oblivious to you. It may just be their favorite location or piece of exercise equipment (of all the apparantly identical ones). I think people tend to be focused on their own routine and not particularly tuned in to what others are doing.
  • I've sometimes wondered the same thing. I normally try and leave at least one piece of equiptment between me and the person next to me but sometimes you can't. I'm sure some people are just don't even realize anyone else in the gym but I recently had an older guy come and work out next to me and try and keep pace with me on the eiliptical, I think he was trying to push himself (thinking I can keep up with this girl) and I kicked his but. He actually said to me that he was trying to keep up but I was clearly lapping him.