Swimsuit/Shorts Season::June 1 Goal

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  • I want to drop 5 lbs by June 1. I've been sitting around the same 173-175 for too long. I was at 171 for a little while there and I so badly want to see 169.

    To get there I will:
    increase water
    start exercising
    and think about what I'm eatting again

    anyone care to join me????
    - jul
  • Now this is interesting.....
    I too have been struggling around the same weight for a while and I definitely want to be a bit smaller by the time shorts/swimsuit season rolls around (for those of us not in Florida !! )

    I'm trying to figure out how ambitious to be.....I guess I'll say I'd like to be at least 145 but preferrably 140. Anywhere within those ranges will be okay. I used to be able to assume I could lose 1 pound per week on average but lately, maybe as I get closer to my goal, things have been tougher so that's why the range might be a good idea.

    I'm also going to try to drink more water and exercise 3 times per week!

    Come on everyone - join in!!!!!!

    Great idea Jul,

  • Hi there I usually don't scroll down this far. I like having a 30s page. My name is Daphne I am 37 and live in Washington. I have my son up all next week so wont really worry about the diet as much. Yeah I said the D word. Sorry but if I say to myself * New way of eatting* I am more likely to eat that extra cookie or whatever it is. I would love to start posting here to if that is OK? I am 5'3" and 220. I would love to lose 10 pounds by June first. I was going to say 15 but I want to meet and beat that goal. Cya around. Daphne
  • OK, sounds good. I'd to lose 10 pounds by then, but 1 pound/ week has been tough for me also so I'm going to do as Elisa did and do a range - from 5 to 10 pounds by then.

    To do that, there are things I'll need to change. The first thing I'm going to work on is my mindset.

    Thanks Jul!

    Welcome Daphne! Join us on our weekly thread also - people check in daily (or whenever) there.


    OK, I didn't know if we were going to update our original posts or add new ones? But I thought I'd update here. I've got my first results.
    Starting weight - 183
    4/4/02 - 182.5
    4/11/02 - no weigh in
    4/18/02 - out of town
    4/25/02 - 185
    5/2/02 - out of town again!
    5/9/02 - 184.75 (down .25 - it's a start)
    5/16/02 - 184.5 (down .25)
    5/23/02 - 182.5 (down 2)
  • Hi guys, great idea. I would love to join. I am going to finish the easter goal, which puts my last weigh in at 3/30 so I will have about 9 weeks till june 1. I will be going for 7 lbs. Will let you know the #'s after the easter goal.

    3/31: So, yesterday I weighed 143.5 at home and 143.0 at WI. Today - 148!! I am unofficially saying that my June 1 goal is 143 - 7 = 136, but I will revise this if next week I am at 149 or something (could happen, I have been eating a ton and am going on vacation). Hopefully, AF is to blame and not the chocolate!
  • So exactly why did I totally miss the Easter goal???? I never even saw it !! (good - something else to read so I can avoid packing an order).
    I did update my health section on my big household notebook (my brain thing) . Did my measurements, made a new exercise/water log and will try to keep track of what I'm eatting.

    - jul
  • I need some buddies to help me get there!
    Hi all... I am new here... I lost 17 1/2 lbs before Xmas.. I was at 130.... Life was grand.. I did the Berstein's diet.. brutal but it worked until I started to hit stress in my life.. I managed to find a new job and move back to my home town that I have missed for 7 years.. Great to be back... but I have been celebrating with food and drink non stop I am approx 10 lbs heavier and need to get control again! Help! I am in the dental hygiene profession... but you would never know it the way I can pack back the carbs and sweets! I would love a place to check into to before focused again... June 1st sounds great! Lets do it!

    1. Exercise more
    2. Eat more fibrous foods
    3. Cut back the sweets
    4. Drink WATER!
    I'm Nadine.... nice to meet all of you!
    1 am 53' and 140ish..... and not very fit!!!!!
  • Welcome Nadine, feel free to also join us on our weekly thread, thats where we do our daily banter.

    I'm with you in the fiber. We're getting ready to travel for over 3 weeks and my goal is water, fresh veggies and fruits in the truck for munchies. Daily walk even if its laps around a gas station or hotel!! (I know we'll get plenty of walking at Disney and Naples but we have one week at my M-I-L's I'll probably take a few therapy walks while there. - jul (still 20 to go. I'm tired of being stuck at 172).
  • OK, I'm in!
    From today, this gives me 8 wks, 3 days. Knowing my record lately, I'm gonna go conservative and say 5 lbs. Anything over that is gravy!

    Actually, I am 187-188 right now. I am hoping to be down to 170 when I leave for vacation 6/29. However, I'm afraid I will jinx myself if I officially make that a goal. Therefore, I will just say that I will be happy with 180 by 6/29, estatic w/ less than 180.
  • Hi ... great idea. I haven't worn a swimsuit in years. Actually, I could care less, but I would like to wear a pair of shorts without having to reveal lumpy thighs.
    Today is D-day. I weighed 180 on my scales this morning, which I believe translates to about 190 at the doctor's office (but we won't worry about THAT).
    The 5-10 lb range sounds like a good idea. The way I've been eating lately, I'll probably (hopefully?) lose 5 pounds TODAY on my Weight Watcher's plan.
    Just had my first glass of water, and I'm going to walk this morning (I'm out of coffee beans... good excuse to walk).

    good luck everyone!
  • I am starting something new on Monday!
    Hi all! I have decided to bite the bullet and join a 6 week fat loss program at the gym! It is 6?? Canadian...... Basically you workout 3x week with a trainer for 30 mins each time... They give you a shopping list of foods to have in your house.. They give you a meal plan with a balanced food plan... and ofcoarse... tonnes of water.. You basically take measurements before and a picture of yourself and at the end of the month of April you have a chance to win 1000.00 bucks...sounds good to me! basically I need someone to be there behind me to encourage me to eat right and make me stick to my 3xweek gym regime... so if any of you want to join me on this journey, I am starting Monday... April 8th and will be done at the end of May... right before your long weekend up here in Canada! I hope everyone is prepared for the weekend! I have to work tomorrow morn... so I am off to bed! zzzzzz Nadine(smiles) 53' 140ish.....
  • Nadine - good luck with your new program!

  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm going to set a reasonable goal, I really need to make it.

    1) I have 7 WI before June 1 so I want to lose 5 lbs.
    2) I want to drink all of my water each day (I've been really bad about this lately)
    3) I want to exercise at least 3 times a week (I've also been bad about this)

    Let's see how it goes.

    Starting 4/9 : 252.4
    4/16: 250.0 (almost back to my original starting weight )
    4/23: 250.2 (a little bit the wrong way )
    4/30: missed meeting no WI
    5/7: 252.2 (a lot the wrong way )
    5/14: 248.2
    5/21: 251.4 (This is just rediculous I need to FOCUS!!!)
    Ending Goal 5/28: 247

    Good luck to everyone

    4/17: was pleasently supprised at WI last night and lost 2.4 lbs I think some of it was wearing summer instead of winter clothes. Let's hope I can keep it up.
    4/25: stayed pretty much the same at WI tuesday, not suprised, but need to get back on track this week .
    5/16: I'm not sure what happened but I'm down this week I need to try really hard to stick with program this week so I can loose another 1.2 and meet that goal despite a couple of set backs .
    5/22: Up again, I need to focus!!!!!

  • I am going to join in, it helps me stay focused!!!

    Starting 4/7 : 169
    4/14: 165
    4/21: 165____I think I am at a stand still, but I am pressing on!!!
    4/28: 165____ Still in this slump. I was jumping between 165 to 170, now I am staying at 165. Will press on!!!
    5/5: 165 ____ I lost, and then it came right back. But I will not be detered from my goal!!!
    5/12: 164 ___ it is only a pound, but I am glad to have it!!!
    5/19: 162 ____
    5/26: 158 ____
    Ending Goal 6/1: Goal 155-159

    If I loose 2lbs. per week I should easily be at 155, but my rate of weight loss has definitely slowed down. From what I have read, that is normal, so I will survive that!! But I am still staying determined to see my pre-marriage weight eventually!!!
  • Had WI yesterday - I am at 143.6 Very psyched to have maintained. I was going to go for 7, but that is so close to my WW goal I think I will go for that. WOW. so 143.6 - 135 = 8.6 over 7 weeks or 1.2 a week

    4/20---142.3-------No WI
    4/27---141.0-------144 at home, missed wi
    5/18---137.4------??? 5/21--148.5

    Wouldn't this be nice!

    4/19: Will miss WI tomorrow as I will be out of town. Thank g_d! For the past several days, I have been "running" and eating out of control. For the past 2 days, I have weighed in at 148!! Now, just recently, I would have been happy to see that number, but I had made more progress and don't want to lose it. Could be because I am ovulating. We will see next week (right now, I need to lose 7 lbs to make my goal )

    4/27: Dang, missed ww. Weighed on my scale at 144. Usually weigh a bit less at ww, so I am considering it a maintain - which is what I was expecting. Gonna go for a loss this week.

    Everyone else is doing great! Keep it up

    5/9: Well I seem to have dropped the ball and run over it with my car! I keep picking it up but it just won't bounce. Working on patching it up...

    5/21: Wow - 5 bad weeks here. Maybe I have some type of pathological "goal fear" My revised goal is to get back where I started. I have 12 days and 5 lbs. I may not make it, but it might happen, considering how much H2O I am probably retaining.