Period Cravings and Pickles

  • Grrrr. Last month at this time I was stuffing my face with Fire Hot Cheetos and chasing that with cookies or something. Does anyone have any tips, advice, or recipes that might help me overcome these unhealthy tendencies?

    And as for the 'Pickles' part of my title... I was reading the nutrition info on a jar of pickles and it said there were zero calories. What's up with that? Are there just so few that you eliminate them by digesting the pickle?

    Hope everyone's doing great, eating well and living well.
    All my love,
  • i know how you feel! once you start eating bad its SOOOOO hard to stop. what i do is every night i write down exactly what im going to eat that day and then in the morning i go to the store and buy food for just that day. make sure youre eating enough so that you dont feel like bingeing later that day. its extremely rewarding to look back at your food plan and realize that you have actually achieved it for one day. (this gives me motivation to continue) hope this helps!!!
    also as far as pickles i believe they have tons of sodium so be careful how many you eat!
  • pickles are really good lol
  • I feel for you about stuffing your face with food during TOM. My only suggestion is to keep busy. If you need something sweet what i try to do is eat something really rich to satisfy the craving so i dont eat a lot. Um yea the hot cheetos are so yummy and u usually eat them w/cream cheese... ANYWAY as far as the pickles go leslie is right about the sodium but they arent calorie free. I believe they are 5cals. The FDA is allowed to but 0 calories or claim it a calorie free food if it is 5 calories per servings or under.