its interesting to see how much the scale effects you!

  • So, the battery on my scale died about a week ago. I had zero money to go get more, so i just ignored it. Early today, in a moment of curious desperattion, I measured. and I lost .5 to 2 inches on every measurable part except my bust line. YAY! of course i felt on top of the world. (last time I measured was 2 weeks ago.) then, i fall into some money so i go get batteries for my scale.
    and not a LBS budged. then i felt crappy again!
    maybe its best to not weigh, but measure!
  • Your body fat percentage goes down the fastest when you lose inches but weight

    Edit: that should have said "but NOT weight"
  • My trainer REFUSES to weigh OR measure me but once a month...I've BEGGED and PLEADED and he won't budge, but let me tell you how ECSTATIC I am when I see that HUGE loss (well, I've only done it twice, one with an 11lb loss and the other with an 8lb loss, I go again on 7/1) and I've lost .5"-2.5" off of every body part each time. I've also dropped 2% body fat each time. I cheat sometimes and weigh myself at home, which makes no sense because my home scale is different than the gym scale and I don't know by how much and I won't find out cuz that'll jinx it all lol

    Congrats and good job on the iches lost!
  • Celebrate both inches and pounds! Losses on either of those means you are shrinking!