I bought a ball!

  • I'm so excited. I've got a bunch of different exercises I like to do while watchin tv and a lot of them require a ball. I skipped over those and just did the ones I could do with hand weights, resistance bands, or nothing at all thinking I didn't need a ball too. Well, something inside me said I could have nicer abs if I would just break down and buy the ball. So I did. And I am going to try it out right now!
  • Yay! Those things are great. (<--I looked for a stability ball smiley, but, well, smileys ARE balls, so I just picked a bouncy one.)

    I don't feel as guilty spending money on exercise equipment (or having it take up valuable apartment space) because it's an investment in my health, which I'm trying to make one of my top priorities.

    I'll admit that I don't take full advantage of my ball... usually use it once or twice a week, for abs or lower back. But it's so nice, you can do a million things on it... you can even use it in place of a bench for some stuff, like chest flies.
  • I love my stability ball. I would recommend getting 15 Minute Solutions stability ball workout DVD. It's really great for beginners, and I still use it and I've had it for over a year!
  • I did the workout that came with it and I feel like some of the stuff I just wasn't doing right. I didn't feel it much where she said I should. I'll keep working at it though. I love the fact that I could do awesome push ups with it though. I bet I'll love adding this to my collection. I burned like 200 calories doing the 30 min workout but I wasn't tired like after a normal video. Strange.
  • My husband bought me a stability ball along with the resistance straps and 2 workouts to go along with a few birthdays ago .. I went through one of my normal phases were I go online and spend hours researching and decide I want all this stuff and I want to do all these things and lose weight and yada yada and it lasts about 2 weeks and I forget about it ... lol... anyways I'm on another one of those phases right now accept this time I'm gonna make myself stick to it because I REALLY want to be thin again and flexible .. so I have used my ball for the first time a few days in a row ... the first day a little hard I felt as if I wasn't doing some things right and I couldn't get the ball to cooperate with me very well! my straps are to long and my ball is to small? and my kids were very much wanting to be involved lol.... the 2nd time on I've done a little better although I did have one day I got frustrated and just shut it off I don't know ... I did feel some change though and I felt it in my muscles afterwards I liked it more than my other work outs I just need to modify things a bit .. like get a bigger ball and some shorter straps if they make the straps different sizes? my arms are to short :| I think it is a unique way to work out and it has a lot of benefits ...
  • I must've been doing something right the past few nights because I just used it again and my abs were burning the whole time. Thank you ball!