National Weight Control Registry

  • So I've mentioned in a few other threads that I've been reading this... some of it's quite interesting! So I thought I'd share.

    These are people who've lost 30+ pounds and kept it off I believe a year or more. I like to see the statistics of what they did for their success.

    45% lost weight on their own
    55% lost weight with a program

    78% eat breakfast every day
    75% weight themselves at least once per week
    62% watch less than 10 hrs of tv per week
    90% average 1 hr of exercise per day

    98% modified their food intake (duh)

    Women in the registry reported eating an average of 1,306 kcal/day (24.3% of energy from fat); men reported consuming 1,685 kcal (23.5% of energy from fat).

    Registry members reported consuming a diet with very low variety in all food groups, especially in those food groups higher in fat density. Registry participants consumed significantly (p < 0.001) less variety within all food groups, except fruit and combination foods, than recent weight losers after 6 months of weight loss treatment............ interesting.

    There are a few cool success stories on there too!
  • Very interesting... Thanks!
  • Intersting. Did anyone else found as they read this they looked to see what catagories I fit in? Because I did!