New and worried...

  • Hi, I'm new here and recently I have been having some concerns.

    When I was in middle school I had some anorexic tendencies and I had managed to pull back before I had full blown anorexia. I also managed to keep a good weight the rest of middle and high school. When I got into college I manage to keep it like that until last year when I suddenly gained a lot of weight. Maybe it could have been when I got some prescriptions or just less exercise.

    The concern is that I have been trying diets and more exercise and I see no change! And then I get depressed and ended up binging! I haven't been able to keep to any diet (low carb, low fat, etc.) and have been doing more physical activity to balance out the food intake and nothing!

    A few nights ago I was looking around for some information on low calorie diets and ended up in a pro-ana site and thinking to myself I could actually manage t do what I did in middle school. So I started looking around and seriously considered going for a 1000 cal diet but being so determined to do it is what scared me.

    Just how little is to little when it comes to calories?
  • Stay AWAY from the pro-ana sites! They are pure poison.

    The lowest recommended calorie consumption for a day is 1200, so I think you should start with that (be strict with the counting) and make sure you consistently exercise. If you want to lose weight, you have to commit yourself, be consistent, and be patient. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight. But if you keep at it, you will see results.

    Good luck!
  • I really am committing to counting, nothing else has worked and I just am doing all I can to divide the calories well to not binge. I tend to stay up at night which doesn't help. I seriously need to keep the 1200 thing. Thank you so much.

    As for the sites, they are even worse when you know just how easy it is to fall into it. I think the real poison is the ED itself, it gives you such a sense of control that it's scary.

    Again, thank you HarpoChicoGraucho. I promise I ain't falling lower than 1200 and good physical activity.
  • I am on a 1200 cal diet that was doctor recommended but honestly, you need to ask your doc for a calorie recommendation. Most people need around 1500 but only a doc can help you figure out the right amount. For example, breastfeeding women need about 1700 cals daily. Any site I have even seen for 1200 cals says to clear it with your doc first. I think this is an important step.