5 lb Challenge LUCKY Number 13!

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  • Hey there everyone!

    I had an awesome bike yesterday, I think it was around 7 miles and I had a good-eating-day too. I tried to formulate a plan in my head in the morning and did much better "saying no to the cookie" than I have been.

    I was 206 this morning which is down 2.5 from yesterday, but still up 3.5 from my start this challenge. At least this time I am moving in the right direction.

    Thanks everyone for your support, you guys on this thread really keep me going when I am having a tough time.
  • well doneToni! moving in the right direction!! well done!

    i survive the fathers day big bbq buffet today, i paced myself, had one small red wine, then tonic water... i ate a little of everything, no potatoes and only one piece of garlic bread which is awesome for me! i even avoided the potato salad which is my fave.

    i had a small piece of cheesecake and it was plain and lovely... but thats all ive had today and that was around 4pm... no evening meal as im not hungry.

    gorgeous sunny day here in england.

    i've just had a cup of tea and put my curry for tomorrow in the slow cooker

    scales said bang on 202.4 today... seeing as im gonna be suffering with TOM any second now im happy with that
  • Yea Toni!!!!

    I am not weighing myself this morning - waiting till tomorrow - dietitian day.

    Have a good one, all.
  • I was down to 142 this morning!!!
    Only one more to go!!

    SW 146
    CW 142
    GW 141
  • Oooo Theresia, it seems like your new location suits you! Only 1 pound to go, whoo hoo!

    I stayed the same today:

    Start Weight: 167.6
    Current Weight: 164.8 (- 2.8, 2.2 to go)
    Goal Weight: 162.6
  • SW: 188.5
    CW: 191.5
    GW: 183.5

    Up ANOTHER pound this morning. Gonna try and kick it into high gear this week.
    This week's goals:
    *1600-1800 calories a day,
    *exercise every morning,
    *five miles of walking in total,
    *120 oz of water a day,
    *NOT weighing til Friday
    I'm not sure how to fit some of those into my weekends but I'll try to see what I can do.
  • Hey gang, looking mighty good with both planning and losses

    I am back on track for now.
    start 140.5
    current 139.5
    goal 135.5

    happy monday all

    Paula, curry--slow cooker-- yum!!
    do tell more.....
  • Hey girls. I haven't been counting my calories really the past couple of days and I don't want to get on the scale! I do wish I could eat w/o measuring everything but it doesn't work for me! Either way I'll brave them tomorrow and see where I am.
  • Hi there everyone! I had another good day, eating-wise, yesterday. We didn't do much for father's day. I made DH clam chowder (his favorite) which I don't really like, so it was easy to eat something else. Finally got the kids to bed at 10:30 last night, the light really keeps them up, I had to get up at 5:30 this morning to help my mom butcher chickens so decided I'd better skip the run and get some sleep. We've got a birthday picnic tonight, so I will need a little extra willpower (or as my mother calls it - won't power).

    This morning I was 204.5, still up 2 lbs, but down 1.5 from yesterday.

    Paula - I second the call from more info on the slow-cooker curry, that sounds fabulous!!!

    Happy Monday everyone!

    P.S. DH just got the roof on the greenhouse he built me for mother's day, I'm attaching a pic. I'm so excited to have it mostly done, he has been working on it for the past year. Obviously no sides yet, we will probably put plexiglass on.

  • Mamatoni! So fun!! I love greenhouses and growing herbs and all that fun stuff!! Can'tw ait till you have it all put tgether and ready to go!!

    I'm starting to go down again... THANK GOD.

    SW: 290.6
    CW. 287.8
    GW: 285.6

    2ish pounds to go!
  • SW:156.8
    CW:155.6 (down 1.2!! )

    Yea! Finally some movement on the scale! I'm almost at my next mini-goal - 155!!
  • Another smidgy loss for me - only 0.2. Still, it's going the right way!

    SW: 152.8
    CW: 151.2 (-1.6)
    GW: 147.8
  • Morning! I've got a smidgy loss like Robsia (also .2), and I agree, any movement DOWN is a reason to celebrate!

    Start Weight: 167.6
    Current Weight: 164.6 (- 3, 2 to go)
    Goal Weight: 162.6

    Great job Miriam, you'll be at that mini-goal before you know it!
  • Good morning, I am still at 142, no change from yesterday,, I ate some pizza yesterday, so I am glad there was no gain.. At least I drank water to it and no soda

    SW 146
    CW 142
    GW 141
  • I was sure you were starting a new challenge today, Theresia! Maybe tomorrow!