Deuceland June Honorees

  • Well, this is a post that was lost. I hope that there a many new people to get to Deuceland this month so that we can celebrate your victory!!!
  • Struggling to stay in duceland. Self sabotaging the last few days...nah the past week!...Need to get my butt in gear or else I will end up facing extradition!
  • Nah, don't worry Julia. Extradition is a long and complicated process in duceland, you can get yourself back on track by the time the prosecution gets their case together. I know you can do it!
  • How about some updates ladies? Mine is 296.5. I have "released" the 3 I put on last week with TOM. So I am now back to working on the real "release".
  • I've self sabataged as well...grr...but I'm still in deuceland...296...why do we do this to ourselves when we know that we feel better when we diet and lose?
  • Now I KNOW someone got down into to the 200s this month!