Well it's real, it's really really.

  • The other day I hopped on the scale and I was three lbs below my pre-pregnancy. I wasn't certain it was real, what if it was just my low point that day, etc. Well today I weighed myself after I used the bathroom first thing this morning, and I was a whole FIVE lbs below my pre pregnancy weight, and back up to three now that I've had a couple meals and have gotten dressed, etc. So yeah. I'm thrilled. I've just picked up my activity a little bit, I plan to do more. I'd like to be my pre pregnancy weight with my first born by years end. That's 37lbs away, and I'm certain I can do it now.
  • Good for you Brook, reaching a goal always feels great.
  • Great work! May I asked how much you gained with your pregnancy?
  • 23lb
  • Congratulations! That must feel so exhilarating!
  • Way to go
    That's great! I wish I only gained 23 lbs! I have a nice 60 lbs to lose. I have a 20 month old and a 4 week old. I just started my diet yesterday. Congrats on your baby!
  • Good for you Brooke!! It's great when you see those positive results. I'm happy for you!
