Hydrated Brains

  • I happen to be a big fan of Thunderbirds, which is an old TV show done in Supermarionation - so, with marionettes - made in the 1960s if memory serves. They recently made a kids movie of it with that girl from High School Musical. Anyway, I'm sure many of you know of it or have seen the show at some point in your life. There's this new ad out with Brains (the scientist) over here in the UK and it's all about how your brain performs when it's well hydrated. Since drinking lots of water is so good for weight loss as well, I thought I'd share this little ad and the website, which has some really interesting information what water can do for your system and when you need water most (because you lose water when you sleep, which I didn't know). If you have a minute to kill, it's worth looking at - and I highly recommend watching the ad. If you have any idea who the stammering, stuttering scientist in blue spectacles is, it makes it all the more amusing, especially contrasting this commercial with the awkwardness of the marionettes used in the show. He has some smooth moves!

  • That was fun!
  • Hahaah, that was really cute

    I took the quiz thing too, apparently I'm a "biscuit brain" ..
  • I took the quiz as well and my reflexes either suck horribly or I hadn't had enough water, hehe
  • I 100% agree how much better you feel when you are fully hydrated, my grandpa is going slightly senile but keeps it at bay by drinking lots of water, and since he tried it for a week his memory has become so much better. I try to drink at least 2 if not 3 litres of water but havent succeeded in keeping it up for a whole week for ages now, really need to!
  • Oh my gosh! I remember watching this show when I was a tiny child of about 2 (unless I saw reruns). It was one of my favorites, even though not on for long. I remember asking my parents about it years later, and they said I must've been dreaming, since there was no show featuring marionettes as spaceship pilots. I have never been able to remember the name of it. Thanks so much for posting it...now I know I wasn't crazy!
  • I definitely remember thunderbirds . . .
  • I enjoyed that, and forwarded it on to some people.