Just getting started....

  • Hello everyone! I have come to the realization that it is time to do something. I weigh more now than I ever have and all my "fat" clothes are now too tight. I really didn't think I had been eating "that" bad but I just woke up are realized what I've been doing to myself. I've known for a while that I needed to start something but it has been so easy to just say, we'll start doing that next week. Well, next week never came. I've been reading some of the dieting strategies on the boards and I think I like the idea of the whole foods way of eating best. I would really appreciate some help getting started. You would think, just do it, but it's really not that easy. I really don't know how to cook healthy. It's just so much easier to throw a pizza in the oven or open a jar of spaghetti sauce. I'm just so lazy when it comes to cooking. I don't HATE to do it, I'd just rather be doing something else. I understand that's something I'm just gonna have to get over because changing a way of life is going to require some work I just need some help to get started. I would really appreciate any advise I could get. I really would like to make this work. Thanks for listening!
  • I would recommend looking at the book list we have posted. It can help give you some ideas.


    Personally, I'm all for easy. I have a rice cooker that makes cooking brown rice easy. One of my recent favorite things is to combine rice and beans in the rice cooker in the morning, then set a timer so the rice starts cooking before I get home and I have rice and beans cooked and ready. (I did this with adzuki beans which has a low cooking time). A pressure cooker is also a great way to cook something quick. You can also use a crockpot to set up a meal in the morning and come home to something cooked.

    My husband and I also eat mass amounts of frozen veggies because they are so easy. You can steam them in the microwave by covering them with a wet paper towel or using a microwave steamer. I also reheat rice and beans that way.

    Canned beans and tomatoes are also a life saver for me. A staple recipe for me is 2 cans of beans (2 different kinds), 1 can of diced tomatoes, some dried garlic, dried onion and whatever spices I'm feeling. Simmer that for 15 minutes and you got a pretty good part of a meal.

    When I do cook, I tend to make large batches so that I have leftovers for lunches and dinners.

    I even apply that philosophy toward salads. On Sunday nights, I take an hour to clean, chop and prepare salads for the following days. Since we eat 2 salads per day, in an hour, I make about 12 salads and prepare snack veggies (carrots, celery, radishes, etc) for lunches. It is also not unusual for me to spend some time making other dishes as well for the following days. Weeknights are fairly easy for me due to the fact that I can mass produce meals on the weekends.
  • Trader Joe's sells bags of whole wheat pizza dough. Just pick your toppings and stick in oven. Easy. Or just use WW tortillas. Easier. Use plain tomato sauce with whatever seasonings you have.

    If you want a super super easy spaghetti sauce, just put in some tomato sauce and add garlic/italian seasoning/dried minced onions, etc. But here's a much better spaghetti sauce recipe you can double/triple/whatever the batch and freeze:
    1 28 oz. can tomatoes (see note below)
    1 6 oz. can tomato paste
    1 onion, chopped
    2 cloves fresh garlic, minced
    2 tsp. EACH oregano, basil, garlic powder (if not using fresh)
    1 bay leaf (or 1 tsp. sugar)
    black pepper to taste

    I saute the onion in a little water in the pan I'm going to be using for the sauce. (The water is just replacing oil and keeping the onions from sticking to the pan. Do not use so much water that you're boiling the onions!) When the onions are beginning to soften, I add the garlic. When they are both cooked, I add the tomatoes, paste and herbs. Simmer for at least an hour, two is better. If you are simmering it uncovered, you may find you need to add a little water. Whatever. When I make a big batch, I just let it simmer all afternoon. Easy, healthy and good.

    Canned Tomatoes have a lot of sodium. You will have a healthier product if you use no-salt-added tomatoes. Try this; even if you end up adding salt at the table this is a way to begin reducing sodium if you are not already trying to do that.
    Types of Tomatoes: This is a very versatile, bare-bones kind of "recipe." If you like chunky tomatoes, use diced tomatoes. You can double the recipe and use one can ground tomatoes and one can diced. Or you can use whole roma tomatoes and break them up with your hand as you put them in. Some little one in your house won't eat anything with any red chunks in it this week? Use all ground tomatoes! Experiment!!
    Veggies: Add whatever veggies you want!! Do you like mushrooms and peppers in your sauce? Add them in when you saute the onions. Same thing with zucchini. It is better to saute them first to let them release liquid; this results in a better flavor.
    Other add-ins: I love the lowfat pre-cooked chicken sausage. They are NOT core, so you have to count points. But, if you want to add them, slice them (count how many slices you get out of each one so you know how many slices to plate up) and put them in after the onions are starting to soften (with the garlic) and before the tomatoes. These, like the veggies, benefit from a little heating early on to release liquid and intensify their flavor.
    FF Parmesan: I sometimes add this into the sauce. It adds some flavor, but also adds sodium. But the sawdusty characteristic of this product is lessened as it soaks in the sauce.
  • Or, you could just buy organic spaghetti sauce...
  • meh homemade spaghetti sauce is always yummier!! And it does not take very long to make at all!!
    Start by adding more veggies and fruits to the diet. Stick 'em in wherever.
    For breakfast I do a ceral, oatmeal or cereal bar (homemade) or otherwise and some fruit.. snacks are fruit and veggies.
    lunch salad and some type of proteins...
    dinner is a salad and type of proteins.
    When I cook I either make a really big batch of it to last for the rest of the week...or I cook some fish... I suppose I could do a big batch of fish, but I'm not a fan of reheated fish...
    Fish is a very important addition to the diet.
    getting enough dairy, or dairy alternatives..
    And when choosing carbs.. choose whole grain everytime!!!
  • I'm just starting out too (I need to lose 60 pounds). And since I just found out I have Celiac's, that means no wheat products of any kind. So going Whole Foods was pretty much a given of me. I haven't gotten the book yet (I did order it though, and it's on its way), so in the meantime I've just been trying some the SuperFoods menus from this site. And it's working for me as I've lost 8 pounds already, so I can't wait until I get the book and with all the recipes.

    And I don't feel the least bit deprived. But that could be because I treat myself with a small piece of premium dark chocolate each evening.