Accountability/Menus/Planning - Week of May 5 - May 11...

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  • Quote: Cheetarah- good idea on the buffet plan. Did It work out? Getting back in the groove rocks.
    Yeah, sorta. We had a whole bunch of parking problems, so I only had time to scarf some stuff down really quickly and didn't get any salad. I got full pretty quickly on the "real" food - could've eaten less, but I didn't binge, so I'm still counting it as OP. What surprised me was that my healthy cooking is tastier!
  • Hi chickies!! I had a good on plan day yesterday - I am grateful!

    Today I have lots of office/computer work to do. Mom and I might go out for dinner - she wasn't feeling well enough yesterday.

    office work
    check out the new YMCA in my town

    log food

    breakfast - "fried" brown rice with egg whites, 1/2 banana
    lunch - turkey and lite cheese wrap, summer squash
    snack - fruit, crackers
    dinner - might go out with mom
    snack - oatmeal, raisins, flax, skim milk

    Cheetara - glad you managed to stay OP at the buffet. That's a big accomplishment.

    Rhonda - it's SO wonderful that you and hubby are doing the daily walking!! It's great that your fat % has dropped - the scale will show it soon.

    Mj5 - I am looking forward to the weekend too!

    Schmoodle - glad you had a OP day!! 2 walks at 80 minutes is great! Enjoy your new pants - it's kind of a NSV when your pants are so big they fall off!. I agree, I need to have protein at breakfast too.

    Dark Blue- good plan! Maintaining is better than gaining. You are still planning - that is important.

    Have a GREAT day friends.
  • Hi everyone! Still swamped w/ paperwork. Today is 'bill' day....ick. It's no wonder I don't like taking care of my own!!! Paying bills for over 23 apts stinks! (phone, cable, utilities) Today it's mostly phone bills, my least favorite of all! Anyway, glad it's friday! I'll be around later on!

    Have a great on plan day!
  • Happy Friday chicks,
    Here's today so far:
    B: egg salad on lettuce leaves, coffee with milk
    S: cheese stick, cup of tomato soup

    And to come:
    L: cup of chili
    S: latte and an orange
    D: something leftover and GLASS OF WINE (it's Friday!)
    S: chocolate cheesecake smoothie

    thanks darkblue, it went okay, except I did end up eating one of these lowfat/lowcal ice cream sandwiches DD had in the freezer. Not on plan for me and not even so good, but at least only 130 calories.
    cheetara, isn't it great how our tastes change?
    Congrats on an on-plan day Beverly! Your today looks really yummy too.
    mj, ick paying all those bills. Hope you get through them fast.

    Hope you are all having a great on-plan day!
  • Ahhhhhhhhhh, the weekend! Finally. Unfortunately, w/ staffing issues, and working a new proposal to try to reconfigure well everything and our recertification this summer it will get worse before it gets better. One thing at a time, though right?! That's what I keep trying to tell myself anywa!

    Hope everyone is having a great night. I am giong to go relax w/ the dogs.
  • Hi folks! I stayed on my plan yesterday. I am so grateful.

    Today, I'll work on sending out confirmation letters and a little garden work (carefully).

    stretches and movement
    log food

    breakfast - grits and cheese, applesauce
    lunch - cottage cheese and banana, crackers, carrots
    snack - yogurt and fiber one
    dinner - Thai noodles, peppers and onions
    snack - cereal, flax, fruit, skim milk

    Mj5- sorry work has been so stressful. I hope it all calms down soon. Taking a nice walk with the dog is a great way to get away from that stress - while getting some exercise. Wonderful!

    Schmoodle - great plan. Tell me about your chocolate cheese cake smoothie. It sounds yummy!

    Everyone, have a GREAT day!!
  • Good Morning! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.

    Beverlyjoy--So funny you said that, if the rain holds off, that's exactly what we will do this afternoon! Plus dh is working during the day, so we will have the evening to spend some time together. I'm thinking 'dinner and a movie', but renting a movie rather than going out to a movie.

    Ok, I really need to get some cleaning done around here!

    Have a great on plan day!
  • I actually stayed on plan today, whoot! 1470 cal, 26 g fiber, water!

    Breakfast--1.25C Raisin bran, 2C skim milk, hot tea, whole red pear
    Lunch--9 All-Bran crackers, foil pouch of tuna with 1tbs lowfat mayo, 1tbs dill relish, mimi V-8 juice, 7 almonds, 1/4 apple (would have had more, but DD got to it first!)
    Dinner--went out to Mimi's Cafe--1/2 petite cobb salad, 1 tbs Ranch dressing, one slice carrot-raisin bread, water, one small mint


    Cheetara--you did really well! Staying on plan at a buffet is hard to do!
    Beverly--how was the new YMCA? Your menu looks good. What's in your garden?
    mj5--you sound really busy right now. How's it going?
    Schmoodle--I like egg salad...never thought about it for breakfast, hmm!

    Hope everyone has a good on-plan day tomorrow!
  • Hello beautiful ladies!

    I'm back. I fell off the wagon, and I hate it hate it hate it. Hopefully I haven't gained too much weight -- I was at 270 a couple days ago, so I'm probably not eating as much as I think I am. But way more than I should, and I hate my body right now. I need to fall back in love.

    Anyway, I threw out the garbage we had bought this week. There is a stupid cheesecake in the fridge from DH's birthday. I can't have anyhting in the house right now or I will devour it. I am blocking the cheesecake from my consciousness.

    My chest is still congested, and I tried doing a WATP dvd this afternoon but I could only do about .75 miles and then I seriously couldn't breathe, lol. My energy level is fine -- it's just the gooks that are bringing me down. Tomorrow I'm going to the Y and take it easy until I'm in better form. I could go on antibiotics, but I think my body can take care of this on its own. I usually get a couple nasty sinus infections a year.

    Anyway, I'm pulling myself back on track. I need to get myself back mentally. I have no idea what exactly went wrong. I think it's a combination of being sick, DD being sick, being exhausted, stress about some issues with DH's family, and then small little things exploding into bigger things until it's full out uncontrollable eating patterns again.


    I'm starting over at Day 1.
  • Hi chickies! I made it thru a good day yesterday. I was changing my food plans as the day went on. Thankfully, I ate healthfully and had about 1450 calories. I am grateful - as I felt "shakey" about food all day.

    Today my Mom and I are going for Chinese tonight. DH is in Michigan on business - he'll have supper with DS, DIL & GS and DIL's parents.

    I will tidy up today and work on my confirmations.

    lots of water
    ice and heat
    log food

    breakfast - kashi waffle with npnb, 1/2 banana
    lunch - egg white and lite cheese ommlette, veggies, toast
    snack - fiber one and yogurt
    dinner - wonton soup and egg drop soup
    snack - cereal, flax, fruit, skim milk

    MJ5- did you get your cleaning done? It's good exercise, ya know!!! What movie did you rent?

    BGTXMAMA- Sorry you still have your symptoms hanging on. Good for you - throwing away the garbage. It's not always easy - but, often necessary to take away the temptation. So you went off plan...please forgive yourself and carry on! You CAN do this.

    Darkblue - YAY!!! So glad you had a solid OP day!! That's wonderful. Good plan. I didn't get over to the Y...I'll check it out next week.

    I hope everyone has a GREAT day. Especially all you mom's!!
  • Darkblue--Work is super busy and probably won't let up until July. It's ok, though, I work w/ great people and we can get through it together!

    Beverlyjoy--Yes, cleaning is done! We waited until today and watched PS I Love You. It was really good, I cried and cried....

    txmomma--Sorry to hear about your struggles. You CAN do this, I know you can! I hope you feel better soon. Good for you for getting the junk out of the house--that always helps me.

    Nothing too exciting here. Had a nice day w/ dh and the dogs. Just waiting for dinner to finish cooking. Have a great evening!
  • Hi,

    You ladies are getting me motivated. Today is my first day and I have been fighting the fight forever. I want to move on. Help please