TBL "Just Beachy" Black Team Chat #2

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  • Hi All!

    Congrats to everyone for their losses and efforts for the 1st week!!!

    I was very happy with my 2 pound loss last week, and like someone else mentioned, 2 pounds is a lot for me too. My metabolism is slow and I have too much % body fat and not enough muscle mass (YET!)...and I'm 57. I wish I exercised when I was yo-yo'ing with my weight when I was younger.

    So many of you are incorporating exercise along with losing weight, and trust me, you're doing the right thing! I wish I had been exercising all along, but I started exercising in my 50's and so it's never too late (but sooner would have been better).

    I felt good about my food choices yesterday. Our oldest son came for a visit and we ended up going to In-N-Out. Though I'm trying to transition into vegetarianism, I did end up getting a hamburger (protein style, which means no bun and just in lettuce leaves; mustard on it with the tomato) and only ate a few fries. Then we went to a movie (Iron Man - great flick!) and I didn't get my usual popcorn. At this point, our younger son (age 25) had joined us, so they were all hungry after the movie - we ordered pizza from a pick up pizza place and got that on the way home. I only had one piece of cheese pizza. I know sometimes weight gain from eating more than one usually eats can show up a couple of days later, but I weighed the same this morning that I did yesterday. It's great to know that making good food choices makes a difference.

    It is still taking me a very long time to get my % body fat down, does anyone have any suggestions or things that have really helped them? I've probably gone down from approximately 42% to 38%, but it has taken me 8 months just to get that much down (and I'm 13 pounds down; I have 20-25 more pounds to lose - my goal is to lose that by the end of this challenge!!!). I do know I haven't been eating enough protein, so I'm trying to increase that. I've heard that you should have protein throughout the day, does anyone do that?

    I hope everyone is having a glorious weekend!! I'm enjoying reading everyone's postings!!! I'm so happy to be on the BLACK team.

    Take care
  • Well, I am a 'lesser known' member of the black team! I simply cannot keep up with the threads.

    I have a concern, though, and I am not sure where to ask...? My scale broke. Not fluctuating (although it was doing that - I was complaining to my dh how I GAINED 5 pounds this week and he assured me there is no possible way. He picked the scale up and the 'hand?' was spinning around and around in circles...it is broken)....so, how do I monitor my weight? I can weigh at the gym but I know their scale is different than mine was...urrrrrrr

    any advice?
  • If you can't get a new scale, then you'll have to just start using the one at the gym I guess. It may not be exactly the same, but it shouldn't be too far off...and if it's all you have, then what is the choice, ya know? don't try to keep up with everything in all the threads if it is too much, just check in here with us even if just to say how you are doing. Just come when you can, read what you can and comment as much as you can...no pressure
  • Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I have been so busy. We had a party/bbq for dd yesterday. So i spent most of the day shopping, cooking, and then partying. It was lots of fun and I got in an hour of volleyball as a workout.

    I'm down 1.5 lbs this week which is good considering it is TOM hoping for better next week.

    Checked out the weight loss thread and Ihave to say " BLACK TEAM ROCKS!!!" Let's keep up the momentum. I am amazed at the amount of time most people work out. I can barely get in 45 mins a day. Most of you put me to shame. But it really has spurred me to get my butt in gear and get to it.
  • Good evening all,

    I've had a very lazy weekend, by choice. Although I did do some baking yesterday, and a little cleaning today, it's Sunday night and I'm doing some laundry so I'll have some clean workout wear tomorrow. I entered my loss for this week (2.8 down), but afterwards realized I could have done it tomorrow. Monday's are often down a little more, so I'll do that next week. I'll enter my $10 tonight later for being on plan... and then the exercising starts again tomorrow!

    Hope everyone is having a good, on plan weekend. I've got a few things planned tomorrow that will likely keep me busier than I want to be, but I will come in and read the new posts.
  • Hey everyone!

    Just checking in after a busy weekend... managed to stay OP so it ended up being a good one as well. LOL

    I got an elliptical trainer last night, I'm so excited to start using it tomorrow! It was an early birthday present, I just couldn't wait until June.

    Anyway, off to hit the sack, I'm beat!! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
  • Hi, just checking in. Been a lazy weekend exercise wise (busy everything else wise), but I've kept within my calories so I think I'm doing okay.

    Good luck!
  • Hi just a little check in it was beautiful here today so I worked in my yard just came in from walking the dogs. So Im gonna hit the shower and head to bed I go back to the 9-5 tomorrow and 3am is just around the corner. I stayed op this weekend also . Goodnight everyone
    p.s. while Im thinking about it where do we post our weight loss?
  • I weigh in officially for the first week tomorrow. I'm not really expecting much. I kind of started late and am only 2 days in so far. So I don't think I'll be able to report any losses, at least for this week.

    Next week starts my first full week, and I am super pumped. I'm big on goals and so here are my goals for the week:

    -Eat breakfast every day. I usually always skip this meal in lieu of more sleep, and it always ends up messing up my eating up for the day.
    -Run 1.5 miles for 3 times this week
    -Complete TBL workout 3 times this week
    -Drink 8 or more glasses of water a day

    Good luck to everyone as we embark on a fresh week. No matter what we have done in the past, we are here now. Let's make this a good week!
  • Thanks, purplefirefly, I guess my concern is the fact that the gym scale is quite different than mine. I will try to guess-timate where I am right now and eventually it will take care of itself. The last time I weighed on the scale at the gym (a couple months ago) it weighed 5-8 pounds higher than my scale. So, of course, I liked my scale better and stopped weighing on the gym scale.

    I could get a new one but as a teacher and going into summer I think I will wait.
  • Tomorrow is my weigh-in day. It's actually been 2 weeks, not 1 week, since my start weight, as I weigh on Mondays and can't wait to see the number!

    Tonia, I know how you feel about the scale difference of home and gym. The very first time I got measured at gym, I weighed 6.5 lbs less than at home. Of course I was very very excited, but then the next month came around and I weighed the same as the one at home...meaning I lost 2.5 lb according to the scale at home, but gained 4 lbs according to the scale at the gym!! Maybe you can get something cheap for now if you don't like the idea of using the one at the gym...?
  • Have to give a shout out to BlzMax tonight...you came from nowhere and are whoooping us up in the exercise challenge I'm comin' after ya though.
  • Quote: I could get a new one but as a teacher and going into summer I think I will wait.
    I got a cheap digital one from Walmart when i first started, it cost me like $8 and lasted forever...and when I got my expensive one this year it weighs the exact same as the cheap one, and that cheap one weighed the same as the doctor's office as well. So, you could pick up something really cheap and they are accurate. I think what matters long term is that you weigh at the same time of day, wearing about the same thing, on the same scale...you're measuring the difference really so it might mess ya up this week but next week you'll be going off the same scale. I do understand though, I would probably cry if my scale broke
  • Cheree - I am not a vegetarian but I am picky about what meats I eat (chicken/turkey, lamb, fish). I have never had issues with ordering something to eat at a restaurant until my colleagues & were out west for a trip and they were raving about how much they craved and missed In-N-Out. All of sudden we spotted one and the guy driving was doing crazy turns to get to In-N-Out. When I got inside, I felt like I could have been a vegetarian because there was nothing on the menu I could eat except french fries and a milk shake, and neither or those were healthy options. I ate the dinner I had brought with me while traveling, ordered fries and a milk shake just so my co-workers didn't think I was being cheap, and realized that the craze over In-N-Out burgers meant nothing to me. I guess it can be hard if you know what a burger tastes like and enjoy it, but I just wanted to say it is possible to go to In-N-Out and find nothing suitable to eat.

    Good luck on everyone's weigh-ins. I got impatient and already posted mine.

    I finally made it to the mall today, but I made myself walk around the entire perimeter twice before stepping into Macys and discovering our store is now carrying Kate Spade purses . That made it very easy to use up my rebates and gift cards that were about to expire.
  • Happy Monday!
    Morning you hard working black teamers! Just popped in to say...

    CONGRATS to all the big and small losers this week! I was a tiny loss (.2) but will do better this week.

    All you ladies who are busting out school AND weight loss, I applaud you. My weightloss efforts were no where to be found during my Bachelor and Master degree programs. About 30lbs of my gain in the last 6 years can be attributed
    directly to NOT exercising and mowing through fast food during those homework laden nights and weekends. Good for you all for staying strong!

    I just got back from my short Lake Havasu weekend. Was low 90's and gorgeous. I am now the fat sun burned girl who can barely put a sports bra on over my tender shoulders! But I'm gonna do it! Gotta get another "badge" for the black team on the beach hopping challenge!

    Off to workout then head to work. Hope everyone has a great day! Keep your head's up!