I am ashamed to admit this

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  • Lily,

    Huge huge hugs for quitting smoking.
    You have seen baffled, she quit and she is smoke free. I have also quit smoking and although it is not the easiest thing to do, it certainly isn't the hardest you have been through if I read your posts.

    Oh, and I think you were quite lenient with SD Samantha...you are allowing her to smoke outside your house. You do not want your house stained with nicotine and smoke after you have been painting and redecorating non-stop! Also, that stuff lingers and it is not healthy for you, your daughters or your grandsons. So good for you to tell her to smoke outside.

    Keep it up Lily! I think you being ill from smoking in the past 3 months might be a message from your body..with all the medication probabely some systems are already working very hard to de-toxify you. Your health must be your top priority. if you feel well again it will be easy to maintain the healthy lifestyle that you have set for yourself and your family.

    You are such an inspiration to me...keep going Lily!
  • Oh, Lily, I'm so sorry about this! Quitting definitely sucks and you'll no doubt gain some weight. Stock up on low-calorie snacks! I'm still struggling with food a bit (how do you know when to stop eating if you don't smoke a cigarette when you are done???!!!) but, as Meg said, the improvements in my fitness are really remarkable. Also, it's very nice not to be coughing all the time. That persistent smokers cough was a bit disgusting. And, I no longer smell bad.

    Quote: my new motto is "I'm one cigarette away from a pack a day".
    This is very wise. My bf has been having the occasional (weekly, perhaps) smoke if we are out carousing with friends. I feel a bit jealous about it. I wish that I could be the kind of person who smokes one or two cigarettes once or twice a month. I don't know if bf is (we'll see how this works for him) but I suspect that I am definitely not and I'm not willing to chance it.

    I have adapted Meg's cookie refrain to keep me away from the cigarettes and I find it very helpful.

    One is too many and an entire carton is not enough.

    This helps me to remember that despite what I might tell myself, I don't want just one cigarette. I want hundreds of them. I want an endless supply. I want 40 a day every day of my life and more on weekends. One cigarette won't do anything except trigger the desire for more.

    Anyway, Monday will be 12 weeks for me without a single puff of a cigarette, without any nicotine in any form at all. I feel very proud of my accomplishment and I want you to feel the same pride. One day at a time, Lily.
  • I can relate. Even though I quit eight years ago, I know if I smoked one Marlboro light 100 I could be at a pack a day in less than a week. Some people who used to smoke can have one now and then, but I know I'm not one of those people.

    Good luck and I know you can do it!
  • Baffled, congratulations on being smoke free!!Lily, I know you can do it!!
  • Baffled, my SD samantha, well she's hopeless and clueless. She can't even afford gas money to come pick her kids up on her weekends to have them, but bums money off DH for a carton of cig's and he gives it to her. (Last weekend she bummed gas money off her 15 yr. old sister). Also, my doctor had told me 12 yrs. ago when I quit smoking that I had chronic bronchitis. After quitting, I didn't seem to have much problem with it. Boy, did my body tell me that it is still there once I picked up the filthy habit again. I just couldn't quit coughing. Literally felt that I was gonna cough a lung up. Before trying to quit, I used every excuse in the book for my chronic cough. Mainly allergies, painting, removing carpet,the ever-changing weather, mowing. My last resort was quitting smoking which is what is needed most.

    I had a cough free night last night and it was awesome. I'm now starting on my 2nd full smoke-free day.

    baffled, thanks so much for your input. I knew that you are going through this too, but much farther along than I am right now. Even that first day without a cig. helped me think "I can do this". I definitely know what you mean about occasional smokers. I could never be one of them. My sister has been married to her DH for 27 yrs. and has never smoked in front of him. She sneaks around and smokes when away from him. She can go long periods without a cigarette and it not bother her. I smoke one and I want a whole pack. Also, I didn't know that you didn't use any form of nicotine while quitting. I'm going with the nicorette gum. I felt that it helped me last time I quit. I don't care for the taste of it, it may just be "mental" but it seems to help. I chewed 2 pieces yesterday when the cravings got really bad.

    Baffled, Huge congrat's to you on your success with quitting smoking. I can't wait til I'm where you are at. Also , if my cough continues to clear I plan to be at the gym tomorrow and take a nice long swim. And yea, my eating was definitely not OP yesterday, but I'm trying to rein myself back in today. I did buy groceries and have plenty of OP food here to eat. Lots of fresh raw veggies to snack on. You are so right about the "one day at a time", that is how I'm taking it.

    traci, I'm the same way. Even 12 yrs. later, I never lost the desire to smoke. One night and a couple cigs had me back to a pack a day within a few days.

    bargoo, thanks so much.
  • You can do this!!!
    You have accomplished so much, I just know you will get through this as well. You're in my thoughts and prayers.


  • Great job today LILY...and BAFF! on 12 weeks! and all of the rest of us QUITTERS!...almost 11 years for me now...in August!
  • Hi EZ & others,

    I quit when I was pregnant with DD...she will be 14 next august. Baff, Lily ...I totally got used to it! keep it up!

  • Lily, you can do this! I know you have been under a tremendous amount of stress lately. You are a very strong woman and I know you can quit smoking again. Congrats on 2 days without a cigarette. We are all here for you!
  • Thanks so much everyone. Today is Day 3 of being smoke-free for me. I almost feel like it's the habit torchuring me now, more than the chemical addiction. I feel great though, albeit a little jittery. Had my first awesome night of sleep last night in a long, long time. I will proceed. I CAN do this.
  • Lily, you are one of the strongest and most determined people I know. I am so proud of you!!
  • Awesome LILY! hang in there dear...I know how tough it is!
  • Yay lily, you can do it !

  • Lily, I know from reading your posts that you're an incredibly strong and determined person. You quit before, you can do it again.

    The possibility of gaining some weight compared to the health benefits of not smoking don't even compare, and maybe you won't even gain anything. You can absolutely do this!

    Everyone is here to support you, you're definitely not alone.

    Go Lily, go Lily, go Lily!!!
  • Go Lily.