I Hit My First Goal!!!

  • Finally!!! I am under 300 lbs. I thought I had lost about 12 lbs since the first of April, but I went back and I actually lost about 15 lbs since the middle of March, according to my Fitday record.

    I am a 71-year old lady with thyroid and pre-diabetic problems and thought there is no way I could ever lose. I tried Jenny Craig, WW and Atkins but the weight wouldn't budge. So, I switched to SB and it is coming off. I haven't been this weight for over 2 years.

    I cannot tell you what a major accomplishment this is for me. I have fought with my weight since I was about 20 years old, and it really got out of control when I was 40 - that's when it went over 200 lbs. Other than doing one drastic diet where I lost 110 lbs in 9 months about 20 years ago, and keeping it off for an hour and a half, and then gaining 130 lbs the following 9 months, I could not find any food plan where I wasn't either starving or feeling deprived. But I am fine with this and am so happy. I know that, if I stick with this from now on, I will get to the best weight for my body. Andto think my doctor tried to suggest I have gastric surgery a couple years ago - but the surgeon said I was too old and it would be too risky. No thanks.

    Anyway, did I mention how happy I am with South Beach??? Just had to crow a bit.
  • on making Goal numero uno!!!

    You should be so proud of yourself, I am sure that you are going to continue right on shedding those pounds!
  • Congrats Krosmon
    Way to Go! Krosmon

    I am so glad that you too have discovered how great the Beach is. I am so glad that you kept at this and never gave up.

    again and again and again.

    for you, my dear,
  • WAY TO GO!!!

    It's awesome that you stuck with it even though your first attempts weren't working. You're an inspiration!!!!

    Keep it up!
  • Great job!! Keep it up!!
  • Good for you! Congrats!
  • Congrats!
  • Congratulations! It makes all the difference =) You're on your way!
  • Great Job... Congrats... Keep up the good work..
  • Congrats!!!
    I am very happy for you that you found a plan that works so well for you. Keep up the good work.