New Here and been browsing

  • Yay for me. This is my first post. I have had this site bookmarked for over a year and Yay, I am finally here. I have reading for three weeks and the uplifting stories are awesome. I have been searching for a section on doing everything right but not losing?? Cant find one so maybe a few of you could give me advice.

    I am stuck. I am doing WW but not weighing in. I have done the point system before so I know it. Keeping my points within range. I have eaten more fruits, veggies etc. My diet is good. I have also started working out and doing cardio for 45 minutes 5 times a week. I have slowly incorporated these things.

    So, my weight wont budge. When I did weight watchers before the weight came off. Whats going on?
  • Hi there!

    There's a WW area that you'll definitely want to check out (under Diet Central), friendly people there I'm a member, too. Using the Flex Points system. Are you using the older version where you get a range to use in a day, or the Flex Points? How long have you been using the program recently?

    Would you be willing to give us your tracker for the day? Just write down what you're eating & how many points? Perhaps we'll be able to notice something that you can't see at the moment.

    Keep at it! Best of success!
  • Must be the old point system. From about a year ago. No problem on the tracker. I researched on here a few meals. Printed them all down. Picked 3 really good ones and made them all in one day. Then I separated them out into the portion for the point sizes and froze them. But, yesterday didnt eat that.
    Coffee and cereal/milk 4pts
    tomato cuc salad with onions and bell peppers no fat dressing made a huge bag and poured in about 2 tbls. Let sit overnight. Juicy
    wahoos for dinner fish, veggies, rice and beans.
    Ohh dont forget.. I had a diet pepsi and my 64 of water...throughout the day, i poured low fat granola in a bowl but my daughter knocked it over so i didnt get to eat it that was my yesterday
  • A nice apple, orange, or banana would be a good addition to that breakfast. Also, to help you get in some fruit.

    You missed eating your granola... do you have something to snack on inbetween meals to help keep your metabolism up? Even some cut up veggies (0 points!) might help satisfy.

    Perhaps more protein as well. You're working out quite a bit, so you probably need more food.

    How about adding some chicken to that lunch salad? A hard boiled egg for a snack?

    Fish, veggies, rice & beans sound delicious for dinner. Just make sure you're keeping an eye on the portion sizes. Especially with rice & beans.

    Are you also getting in the 8 Good Health Guidelines? (2 tablespoons of healthy oil, 5 servings of fruits & veg, etc)

    Just some things to start with
  • Hi . . . . . . glad you finally came out to play with the rest of us . . .
  • Love all your input and love to see the trackers.
    Where else do I go to read, post, comment, or whatever.. i just keep coming here and reading others....
  • Here's a link to the WW area: