The daily for Wednesday, 3/6/02

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  • MamaJ, ((((HUG))))
  • Oh my god, I'm just sitting here and sobbing because that was me--oh Janice, I went through the same thing and I vowed to myself my daughter wouldn't suffer the same fate as me--I have been SO overprotective of her and I just refuse to allow anyone near her unless thoroughly checked out by me--but how do you check out a family member? I'm 33 years old and I might as well still be the 3 1/2 year old it happened to because it haunts me every day. God bless your daughter for having the courage to leave and God bless and spare your grandchildren from anymore hurt and fear. I hope you all go to counselling together and try to work to overcome this horror. Just recently, I have also tried to put my past to rest, but with the knowledge that nothing can ever change the pain and shame I carried with me for so many years. Your daughter and granddaughterneed you now and yes, there is soething you can do--confront your demons and go to counselling with them becasue it is a family problema nd not a dirty little secret anymore. You can do this Janice, you are a strong woman and have put up wioth much but I know that the love you have for your daughter and grandkids witll help them get through and survive this ordeal. Here for you in prayer...

    As for me in general, I'm sick and feeling just lousy (and now crying too) and I'm going tomake an early night of it. See you tomorrow...
  • Pass the Kleenex, please.
    My heart just breaks for all of you and everyone else in the world that have endured the pain of this horrible crime! It is amazing how many come out of the woodwork when this subject comes up - it seems nearly every family has been touched by this in some way or other. Such a shame and the only real way to combat it is by counciling (sp?) and knowledge!

    Big hug to you, Janice and to Kudos too! Message me if you want to chat/vent/cry/etc.

  • Another Wasted Day
    Hi All
    I think I must have come down with whatever everybody else seems to think they have .. either that or its just exhaustion I slept most of the day with a temp of 102!! I kept wishing the phone would stop ringing .. thats one thing about the foster kids and their families they keep you busy!!

    Mama, So sorry that your family has to endure such pain and suffering. No one should have to experience this type of victimization & evil at any age!! I have worked with many children who have been abused by their family members .. with good counselling and a understanding family, things will get better but it will take alot of work, faith and time. My prayers are with you and your family.

  • MamaJ
    I am so sorry that your family has had to endure this abuse. My son is 9 and I cannot imagine...
    You and your children will be in my thoughts and prayers!
  • So sorry for what you are going through and for all of you that are hurting, my heart is aching for you.....Liz
  • Oh, Janice. Heartfelt prayers and healing to you! Thanks for sharing some of your agony with us. You are a brave strong woman and have all our love and support.