Stuck at the "Checkout Now" button

  • That's right.... sitting on the Medifast page, ordered up, can't press the button...

    A few things hanging me up is just the diet in general...what if I don't like it...what if it don't work for me...

    Has anyone NOT seen results from this? I keep reading all these positive things about this program, but is it too good to be true? I'm not a big cooker, and I'm afraid the L&G meal will be hard for me. Can someone offer suggestions to this?
  • I can't confirm the long term. I've only been on the diet for 2 weeks. I would suggest just going with the 2 week trial. I've only not cared for the oatmeal and chai I got on the one week free program. But, I've seen plenty of recipe for them and I'm going to try some now that I have a couple of days off.

    As far as not being a big cook--You are singing to the choir. I am a good cook when I have time, but I never have time. Especially now that I work 12.5 hr. shifts, rotating from days to graves. This is exactly what got me on THIS program and it is working out GREAT. I don't even have access to a microwave at work on a regular basis. I buy frozen chicken breast and fish and I prepare it on the weekends and separate the portions into ziploc baggies. I also cut up the salad green(2-3 different types) and keep them in a large container. Then, I cut up 3-4 of the other veggies and keep them with the salad in the frig.

    When I get ready for bed I pick out the 5 meals I'm going to have the next day. I have one counter and the cupboards above it that is my MF center. I have a bowl ready for my oatmeal or eggs, my soup thermos ready with a little boullion and pepper in it, a magic bullit glass with my shake, my tea maker ready to just turn on and a tea pot with water on the stove. I also mix my salad, choose my premade protein portion, and one of my veggie servings in the fridge ready to mix with my soup in the thermos. In the morning it takes me about 10-15 min. to start my tea and hot water, mix my food for the work day and get my oatmeal and shake ready for breakfast. While the oatmeal and eggs are setting up, I can put my lunch bag together then eat my breakfast. It is FANTASTIC!!!

    If I run out of protein portions during the week, I can bake or broil a few more portions after work from frozen in about 40-50 min. I just spray a little canola oil on them(brushing doesn't work out on frozen), sprinkle a few spices on and throw it in the oven.

    If you do decide to give it a try, keep in touch. The folks on the site are wonderful and a great resource for support and love.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  • I did the same thing! I made my selections for two weeks of food (figured I could do anything for two weeks), got to the checkout page...then sat there looking at it for 15 minutes. I got up, walked around the livingroom for a bit, sat and watched a 30 minute sitcom, went back to the computer, looked at the screen for another few minutes...then shut off the computer and went to bed. I slept on it and the next day I decided I still was interested, so went back and ordered the food. This time I didn't hesitate and just clicked the button.

    It's a big step! This plan is a serious commitment and while I'm really glad I decided to do it, I'm also really glad I took the extra time to think about it. It gave me some time to reflect and come to terms with the changes I'd have to make. If I'd just clicked the button willy-nilly I might not have stuck to the plan as well as I have so far.

    I started around the same time as Operator, so long term, I can't really say. Two weeks in, I'm still pumped up about it.

    As for not liking the food, I believe you can exchange them if you've only used one packet out of a box. I don't really care for the oatmeal too much. If I add Splenda to it and just use hot water rather than the microwave, it's tolerable. I made blueberry muffins with it once and they weren't too bad. Some people don't like the soups. I ordered the Chili and the Cream of Chicken in my first order. I didn't like either of them at first, but adding a bit of bouillon and veggies tend to help. And if you get the any of the soups with dried veggies in them, be sure to let them soak for a bit or they may be crunchy. I actually forgot my extras for my chili yesterday and had to eat it plain and it wasn't too bad, so I guess I'm getting used to the food.

    I agree with Operator, the plan is super easy! Before starting Medifast, I would cook dinner at night for at least an hour. Now, it takes maybe 15 minutes tops. I eat a lot of chicken and turkey, but also throw in some beef stir-fry and ground beef dishes every once in a while to keep things interesting. It's also easy to eat out if you have the willpower to stay away from the off-plan food. Almost every restaurant, even fast-food restaurants, have a grilled chicken garden salad.

    So, take the all the time you need at checkout. This is a great place for motivation and questions too! Be sure to let us know how it goes!

    (Sorry for writing a novel! Hope you made it through all that!)
  • Correction. I tried the Chai today after running it through the mixer. It is much better than trying to shake it in a thermos. I am also going to try the oatmeal muffins. Heck, that will make my mornings even easier. I could eat one while I'm preparing my lunch bag and one when I'm on my way to work. Better yet, I can prepare enough for the week on my days off. I hope they're good.

  • How are you guys doing? I've being doing MRC and have fallen off my plan - and I'm considering switching to Medifast. I'd love to hear how its going.

  • i think that medifast is the easiest plan i have been on..everything is laid out for you. i have tried all the different plans but this is what seams to work for me..
  • This is my week 8- and truely this program works. I have lost 33-35lbs (my scale varies). This is HUGE for me and keeps me focused. Is it easy- yes and no. It is easy in that you have to do very little thinking! Like Operator said, you just do a little prep and you are ready to go. But it is not unlike other diets in that you have to committ to it and follow through- resist temptation and not join in sometimes with your friends in a luncheon etc. Some people can do this- I cannot I know I am miserable in those situations- watchiing other people eat. As far as the food- I have gone through stages. It is ok- I don't hate it. I think it was week three when I thought all of it was aweful and I was sick of it.... but I have gotten over that. It is a switch in thinking- I am eating to take care of my body. I have amazing skin now too- must be all the vitamins. So there is my 2 cents! Would I do it again?? ABSOLUTELY! This program works and works very well. Make sure you are ready to make the committment- and then you will do beautifully.
  • I did end up buying it. I just ordered my 2nd shipment this past week. I have now been on MF for 2 1/2 weeks and have lost 15lbs
  • Hey Sneeks!!! Welcome back! I've been wondering about you. Congrats on the weight loss. So, how do you like it? Is it fitting in well? Keep us posted on your progress.
  • Yes I do like it a lot!! It's working well for me. I still have a hard time with the L&G.. but I'm trying. I can't stand the oatmeals or soups so I didn't order any with my 2nd shipment. If anyones interested in trading let me know.

    How are you doing? I hope you are feeling better than the last time we spoke. I can kind of sympathize with you though. I had to put my 23 y/o kitty to sleep on Christmas day Was my childhood cat, got her when I was only 3. It was one of the hardest things I had to face. I still remember driving to the vet on Christmas night, pouring rain, crying my eyes out with my kitty in a blanket on my lap. I sat there crying for 2 hours weighing the pros and cons to putting her to sleep, sadly, there were no cons. It was her time.

    Putting a family pet to sleep is such a hard thing to do. My golden retriever is getting old too (13) and I'm noticing he's getting very clumsy. He stumbles now, and has a hard time getting up from a laying position. He has a white dot on his eye, I forgot what they call them. It's getting bigger. If a vet asks me to do surgery, I'm gona say no way. He's old. He don't need to be poked and cut up. Would you put your 100 y/o grandma in surgery for her eyes at her age? I didn't think so. Sorry now I'm just rambling Did I bore you?
  • Glad it's working for you. I got the 5th week free program, so I'm kinda buried in boxes right now. As for the oatmeal and soups, check out for some ideas. I have to make the oatmeal muffins. We also have a sticky forum with some ideas.

    I am feeling alot better about Muffy. It turned out to be cancer. I don't even really mind the $$$ because I'm sure I would have spent as much over the next year just to make him suffer. This way, he went down fast and it made the decision to put him down easier. Sorry about your little ones. I'm glad you've already had the time to decide what to do in the event. It makes it alot easier.

    Well, I've got one more shift tonight then 2 days off. I'm doing OT this week. Check in again.
  • I placed my order yesterday, BTW!!!
  • Glad to have you with us Miri. Let us know how things go.