time of day weigh-in

  • I know I should be going to weigh in around the same time of day each time, but with my schedule that simply isn't possible.

    I'm wondering how much people find the scale fluctuates from morning to evening, or if you find it makes a big difference.

    I know I'm exercising every day and sticking to plan, so it is all working out in the end but you know how that pesky scale has a hold over some of us...

  • I used to do it in the morning before I ate breakfast. Seemed to be the easiest to stick to.. Now I just do it 3x a week at the LAWL center as I am scale-less..lol
  • It definitely makes a difference especially if you stress if you're up a few ozs. When i went to COD i would go the same time everyday and pretty much wore the same type of clothes and the few times i went later it was just bad. now i WI in the mornings before i eat anything so i know if i lost or gain anything. I am also trying to stick wtih WI on monday mornings only but sometimes i become addicted and weigh more often.
  • When I went to the COD I always tried to go at the same time and wear the same types of clothes. Now that I WI at home, I only weigh on Monday mornings first thing to see how I did over the weekend and on Thursday in the morning first thing to keep me accountable for the weekend. But my "official" WI is on Mondays.
  • I have found that I can have a few (3-5) pounds difference bewteen day and night. So I'll only weigh in in the morning pre food/drink. I feel better when I'm getting the smallest number possible.

    You're right though, it all works out in the end and I just obsess too much over the "number" on the scale!
  • My morning weigh in is the only one that ever counts. I usually weigh about 2 lbs more in the evening. I know this is showing my scale-a-holic tendencies, but now I know what to expect and don't freak out when I see a higher number...unless it's in the morning.
  • The difference is big for me.. After a day of food and lots of water, I find my weight can be up 6 lbs. easily...
  • Thanks everyone.
    I was trying not to get annoyed by the scale. I'm exercising every day and doing the plan right so it will all work out. I just hate when they say .. "oh... you're up... "

    I wish I could go the same time every weigh in but it's impossible for me.
  • I also find a big difference between morning and evening WI sometimes 3 or 4 lbs. So I usually hop on the scales evey other morning right after my first morning potty break. While I am still in my pj's. Then I have the same clothes on each time also. I set the scale right outside our master bath door.
  • I WI right after I get up and go the the potty before I get in the shower. My official WI day is Wednesday and that is the number I log in my chart, but I weigh every day ( I know that is a no-no). I find it keeps me more on track and lets me know when something I had, esp something new was a bad idea or not.
  • The weird thing with me is that I seem to weigh more right when I wake up. When I weigh myself at around 10 a. m. I am about 3 pounds lighter....so to not stress myself out, I have only been weight myself every Saturday so that I don't see those numbers change.
  • Quote: Thanks everyone.
    I was trying not to get annoyed by the scale. I'm exercising every day and doing the plan right so it will all work out. I just hate when they say .. "oh... you're up... "

    I wish I could go the same time every weigh in but it's impossible for me.

    It's times like that when a very good quality home scale can come in handy.. That way you get a consistant indication.. The problem is that you become addicted to the scale, which in turn, will drive you NUTS..

    Don't forget that after a vigorous workout (cardio/weights), to eat some lean protein and some fruit.. The protein and carbs will help your body continue to burn and speeds recovery..

    If you don't, your body will retain more calories/water in an effort to recover from the workout..
  • I almost always weigh 4 lbs more at night than in the a.m.....unless I am doing a T.O. My only WI that counts is my BNWI in the morning