Can I go?

  • I need some advice -- a friend of mine is having a Tastefully Simple party (appears to be different spices/recipes, etc.) -- here is my problem -- I would really like to go but am concerned how to count my points when you "taste" a bunch of different things -- or should I just not go?
  • I would go and just make the best choices you can...maybe sample a chicken curry instead of a triple cheese pizza slice? But that's just me...I figure, I'm in this for LIFE, I am not going to pass up parties from now on, and I won't ALWAYS know how many calories/points are in what I'm eating. I guess I just know that I won't be able to stick with it if I don't allow myself "free days" now and again (usually once a week actually!). That's my 2 cents anyways....

    Make whatever decision you feel like you can live with
  • Oops...I just realized this is in the WW forum...I just clicked on it from the main page...and since I'm a calorie counter, what do I know Good luck with your decision!!!!!!!
  • lol sweettart, thats funny but a good point actually, because we are all in this for life, and well you don't want to miss out on things, and yeah i think that is a wonderful idea, just pick the healthiest samples they have, and maybe use your weekly points for that. goodluck i hope it works out
  • I would go. Like pp's have said, this is something you have to learn to live with, so it has to fit into your life. Go & make the wisest choices possible, then be guess at what your points were (be honest with yourself though). Good luck!
  • Thanks, I'll think I'll go -- I just hope there aren't too many "food pushers" there -- I don't want to sample everything -- points are like cash to me -- not to be wasted I'm just so "into" food lately -- especially the ingredients!!! I also would love a night out without the kids.
  • Oh definitely go! Enjoy But eat a good meal before! That way if you do taste, it stays just that... a taste!

    Do your best to estimate points, and stay away from things that may be creamy, too oily, smothered in things... ya know

    And yes, HAVE FUN!

    Sweettart - That sort of advice goes well all around! No need to avoid the WW area It's quite similar to Calorie Counting, actually.
  • GO!!! Don't miss out on a fun time! Plus, they have some really good spices!
  • Vintage Glamour -- sounds like you've been to one -- what exactly are they trying to sell to me?
  • I'm not a WW either but yeah I think everyone's right, go have fun but don't overdo it. btw just google the name and the company comes up with some of the products. Unfortunately the first few I saw don't look super "healthy" but you do deserve a little treat every now and then .
  • I was just in this situation a few weeks ago. I went to the party. I had a good meal before I went. Just don't overdo it. I really like their products. some of the different dips you can substitute low fat cream cheese or low fat sour cream. Go and have a good time!