Here come the ifs

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  • Hi everyone,
    Have you ever felt that your weight holds you back from doing things to get healthy? It is almost like carrying extra chub makes me feel like I cannot and shouldn't do things. I constantly feel as though I am being judged by others. Excersising is difficult for me because I want to excersise but I don't want people to see me doing it. I keep thinking they are looking at me like a spectacle. (look at the fat person sweat! haha) So in some ways I feel too fat to enjoy an active lifestyle because I don't want people judge me.
    All of the ifs in my life are getting to me
    If I was skinny I could:
    Wear a bathing suit
    Wear clothes (yes, sometimes I even feel too fat for clothes)
    Socialize more
    Get more guys attention
    Enjoy a meal in public without self consiousness
    Excersise without critisism
    ....blah blah and the list goes on
    How do you guys deal with thses thoughts? They are not healthy. Am I just stressing too much?
  • Do you look at other people exercise? Where you're at the beach do you pay attention to what other people are doing or are you busy spending time with your family and friends?

    I know it's tough, I deal with the same emotions. But it's just one of those things where you need to, for lack of better terms, suck it up and just do it.
  • Ya know, my brother, who can be kind of a jerk sometimes (LOL) actually one time told me that he respects the "overweight" people he sees at the gym (he is 6'4 and weighs about 195 or so) because he knows it's 10x harder for them to be there. It actually kind of floored me when he said it cause I wasn't expecting it from him.

    So yea, people might be looking at you, but there are some who are saying to themselves, "You GO, girl!"
  • It's kind of hard to just do stuff when people are yelling "fat hog" out their car windows just because you are walking down the road.

    When I was bigger I would not wear shorts or tank tops, I would not eat in public, would not eat in my car, would not post pictures other than face pics, would not go anywhere like bars/clubs etc. Working out at the gym was me doing water aerobics with all the other fat people. No way would you catch me in spin class with all the thin college girls.
  • I feel bad about my previous post, it sounds kind of harsh.

    I guess what I mean by it is... you can wait until you lose weight to do all of those things, but time sure isn't going to wait. So while you're being afraid, life is going on. I hate to sound all philosophical, but no one knows when life is going to end. No one knows when something terrible is going to happen. Why spend your life being afraid of people who don't even know you? Why let others control your life like that? This is YOUR life, not theirs. Live it to it's fullest and don't let your fears stop you.
  • You're confusing BODY IMAGE with SELF IMAGE.

    I love my avatar pic. I was slim, felt great, & was healthy. Didn't mind show'n it off, either, apparently!

    But NOW? Would I post a pic of me NOW? Yeah, for you guys. Except I don't HAVE ONE. Why? I figure seeing me how I used to be... how I WANT to be again... inspires me more.

    But no way in **** will I let my fat & flubber keep me from donning a swim suit & going to the beach! I may not be wearing a bikini this summer, but there are plenty of tankinis out there & I already own three. I REFUSE to let my unhealthy body take control of my life. Life is TOO SHORT to worry about what other people may think or say about me. Especially strangers.

    So I may not be all that cute on the beach this summer, but by golly I shall still frolick!!!!
  • Me now ... all 180 pounds of me.

    Me LAST summer - 20 pounds LESS than I am now.... 20 pounds MORE than in my avatar...

  • i totally understand where you're coming from. Weight can effect our self confidence--It's effected mine sometimes. but we do have to learn to deal with it. I never wanted to go to the gym bc i thought ppl would be laughing at me on the inside. But that's really not the case. PPl don't care about that stuff. In fact, people in the gym are just there to get there own workout done, and get out of there. Try not to let your weight affect what you do in life! ;-)
  • BEach patrol:
    You are so pretty!
  • Quote: BEach patrol:
    You are so pretty!
    Thank you - you're very sweet. I just wanted to make the point that even tho I'm not all 135 pounds in my purple bikini right now, I'm STILL going to the beach!! I'm gonna enjoy the sand, surf & sun!! I want vintageivy & others to understand that LIFE is what you make it! Regardless of whether or not we "weigh the right number on the scale" or have the "right job" or live in the "right house" with the "right spouse" & blahblahblah Life is SOOOO much more than what we weigh.

    OUR WEIGHT DOES NOT DEFINE US. That should be a 3FC motto!
  • Quote: BEach patrol:
    You are so pretty!
    Yeah, I was gonna say! Last year, this year, whatever - gorgeous!
  • Quote: Me now ... all 180 pounds of me.

    Me LAST summer - 20 pounds LESS than I am now.... 20 pounds MORE than in my avatar...

    Cute! You look a lot like Leisha Hailey
  • I agree with Beach Patrol - life is short. Whatever your weight, your health and mobility are luxuries you should enjoy!
  • Ok.... who is Leisha Hailey?

    Someone recently said to me: "Wow! if you had BLONDE hair you'd look JUST LIKE Anna Nicole Smith!" to which I replied simply by looking down at my chest & going "HUH?"