The WELL, Previously Starting WW tomorrow

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  • Welcome to a wonderful group of people all working together to lose excess weight and get healthy. So if you are interested in support, encouragement, and all that goes with it on your weight loss journey, come join The WELL.

    Warriors against excess weight

    Come on, Let's DO IT!!!!!!
  • Saturday morning
    Good Morning Everyone!!!!!

    Hope you don't mind that I went on and started the new thread. The other one was way too long. I'm sitting here freezing this morning, not because it is cold inside the house but that it was near 80 yesterday with little wind and is now 20 degrees with gusting winds 20-30 mph and the high today is only suppose to be in the low 30's with possible snow. And I have to work out in it. BRRRRR!!!!!! If you can't tell I don't like winter much. I do like snow but normally here in central Texas we don't get much "real" snow. We mostly get ice or a mix and then maybe a little dusting. People here don't know HOW to drive in anything but normal dry conditions. So wish me lots of luck and prayers today. :

    Well, gotta go, just stopped in for a minute. Have a good day!!!! I would love to be able to read your posts when I come back later today. So, until then let's get with the program we are on.........
  • Sunday evening
    Hello Everyone!!!!!

    How is everyone this evening? Ya'll must be really busy since your are not posting. *sigh* I miss you! Oh, well, I've worked all weekend but thought I would check in one last time before bed. Looks like I'm talking to myself. LOL

    Well, sweet dreams to all and good luck on a good Monday!!!!
  • Hi Sherry - Yesterday was my birthday and I went out to eat for lunch and dinner. Today I've been totally OP. I even got out my "Getting Started" booklet and re-read it. I decided to get serious, and even measured my portions
    for supper tonight. I"ve been stalled for too long. You gals are inspiring me
  • [b]Happy Birthday, Doxie!!!!!![/b]
    Hello Everyone!! Hello Doxie!!!!

    How is everyone doing? Where is everyone, Doxie?


    Hope your birthday was great!!!!! Sounds like with all the measuring and getting serious that you will do SOOO well!!!!

    Talk with you later!!!!
  • Hi Sherry...I finally found the WELL

    Happy Belated B-day Doxie

    How has it been going for all of you? I've been sick ( again) and so no exercising. Weigh in Wednesday showed only a .4 loss and left me frustrated. Today I'm back on top form. Cold is dissipating and energy level rising. I even went to aquacise tonight. Exhausted right now but happy cause I feel like I am back in the driver's seat. I admit it ....I am a control freak LOL

    I need 1.8 lbs to get to my 10% goal of 26 lbs. I am going to get it this week ( hows that for confidence )

    Wishing you all loss and love.

  • Good for you Kady!!! You stay on track! I had a bad weigh in last week. Gained 1 1/4 pounds. I weigh in again on Friday morning so wish me luck. I'm sure I did much better this week. I walked and excersiced more. And ate better. Lots of veggies.

    I made that veggie soup in the book. It's really good. I did add a few things that it didn't call for like, broccoli and tomatoes. Lot's of garlic and onions. It was wonderful. I even took some to work today for a few others that are trying to loose also and they loved it. So, that made my day.

    Plus one of the girls had a baby on February 12th and she brought the little guy in today. I love cuddling with a new born. I could have brought him home he was so soft and cuddly and cute. Someone teased me and yelled over that "I looked cute...Grandma". They were teasing me because of my son getting married this summer. I'm not ready to be grandma yet. Still too young for that. The kids are really too young to get married in my book but, hey what do I know. My sons first words got married young. But, his father is 5 years older than I am. Here both of them are only going to be 20. But, she is a wonderful young lady. We love her. She is a blessing for the family.

    Happy Belated Birthday Doxie!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!

    Well, off to read my book. I've started a new one called...Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It's wonderful so far.

    Take care. Keep up the good work.
    MySons3 I just love this little cow....:sheep:
  • TGIF!!!!
    Good Morning Everyone!!!!

    How is everyone this morning? I am doing well and staying OP.
    Have another hard day today and then I'm off for the weekend. Yay!!!!

    Kady~ Sorry you have been sick. WTG with the loss, hey a loss is a loss!!! Don't be discouraged, at least the scales are moving in the right direction. You CAN lose that 1.8lbs and reach your 10% goal this week, I know you can. Go Girl Go!!!!!!!

    M3S~ Sorry to hear about the gain but it's over and done and you're back on track. Good luck with WI today!!! Here's a few loser's vibes ~*\/*~*\/*~*\/*~*\/*~*\/*~*\/*~*\/*~

    Hope everyone has a GREAT Friday and a GREAT weekend!!!!!
  • My seek peek at the scale looks good. I've been OP with food since Tuesday. The water & exercise continue to be a problem. I still have no energy. We are having a blizzard today, so I'm planning to make the veggie soup for lunch.
    Can you have too many banked points? My calculator-thingy says I have 18. I upped my fruit & veggies and am not as hungry.
    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Sounds good Doxie, the part about being OP since Tues and the sneak peak. I dont even own a scale so no sneak peak here. I dont think I will buy one for a while, not if I can keep going regularily to WW meetings.

    Its hard to be enthusiastic when you have no energy. Take it easy and when you do get energy dont overdo it. Slow and steady won the race.

    I remember something about not having too many banked points but it escapes me.Thats a good question though. Any answers.
    I check in for the answer

    TaTa for now
  • My leader explained the banked point system to us. You bank any unused points daily and only for one week at a time. So I begin my journal on Sundays and on Friday or Saturday if I have any points banked I can use up to 10 points added to my daily total. This helps because we usually eat out on Saturday evenings and although I order salads they usually have chicken or shrimp on them as well as regular dressing.

    Hope this is what you were looking for.

  • I forgot to add this.

    Once you begin a new journal, all banked points from the previous week are lost.

  • Thanks for the explanation on the banked points. I don't journal, but use the points calculator. So, if I understand correctly, you can use up to 10 bonus points a day, if you've banked that many. It doesn't happen that often around here. I'm doing WW at Home so I had no one to ask.
  • Happy Saturday to Everyone!!!!
    Good Afternoon Everyone!!!!!

    I have totally enjoyed being off today. I have really gotten a lot of things done. I have been cleaning and rearranging my bedroom. My DH found out he will have to have an angiogram on March 21 since he has a partially blocked artery and we will have out of state company. My dear SIL is a wonderful person except for she is a clean freak. And if my house should not be up to her standard she will tell me so. And right now I don't think I'm strong enough to withstand the war if she has reason to speak up. So..........I'm cleaning. My house isn't really dirty but needed a little more deep cleaning than usual. Ya know?

    Doxie~ WTG eating more of those wonderful fruits and veggies. I love it! I bet you will find those iron demons in your favor when you officially WI. Blizzard . . . .BRRRRR!!!! We are having 50degrees with wind gusts from the north at 40mph and a chill factor of about 30. I would rather have the snow.

    Kady~ Trust me you really don't want one of those iron demons. I hate mine. But everyday several times I climb on to get a reading.

    #1Shopper~ Thanks for the advise on the banked points ........ Man I hate losing all those points!!!! Wouldn't it be great if you could bank 'em long enough to eat a whole pie or something.

    Well, I think I will go now and do something I long to do.. . . . . .
    Take a l-o-n-g soak in the garden tub and relax. Talk atcha later. :sheep:
  • Good Morning everyone. It's really early....or ever you want to look at it.

    Our son and his fiance` live about 85 miles away and they invited us for dinner and then we went shopping with them while they did their bridal registry. It was so fun. And so nice that they included us. I was kind of feeling left out being the mother of the groom. I missed all the fun things with the dresses. They did all that up by her mother with is another 2 1/2 hours north of where the kids live. It was sooo much fun. (Thanks for listening to me blubber...) Not a proud mom at all...hey?...

    I lost 1.8 pounds at WI yesterday. A total of 24 since last year March. I lost what I gained last week plus a little more. Now to walk more this week so I have a good week this week. :sheep:

    Sunday night is our last night of our bowling league for this season. I'm kind of glad. Last month we blew it. We...for the first time in 12 years of bowling on this league have been or had been in 1st place for 3 months straight. Last month we blew it royally. We stunk is more like it. So, I don't know if we'll end up in 2nd or 3rd now or what. We still bowl tomorrow and it counts so hopefully....cross your fingers! I'll let you know.

    It's late and I'm bushed. Off to bed finally. Take care and stay warm. It's 15 degrees here now with wind gust of 45 - 60 miles per hour and wind chills of 15 below. It's darn cold. It's hard to believe that at 7:15am when we left the house it was 55 degrees out and I wore no jacket. Just a sweatshirt. That's Wisconsin for you.

    Take care.