Today's the day

  • Hi everyone! This is my very first posting here. I am 38yrs old weigh 154lbs and am 5'3'' tall... My goal is to go lose 20 pounds...Doesn't seem like a lot I know...but to me it seems like Mt Everest...I have been trying to lose those pounds for the last 10 years (after my first one was born). I hope I can find lots of encouragement from you ladies,...I will also be cheering you on on this journey.
  • Hi there, and ! Have a look around the forums - there are lots of diet support forums and exercise motivation here to help you formulate the plan that is right for you. I know how 20 lbs can seem like a mountain, but honey, we can do this!
  • Hi there WANNABE . . . . . . You've definitely come to the right place and you just might want to have a look at the special Featherweights Forum . . .
  • Welcome, Wannabee!

    You'll love it here. It sounds like you and I are close in weight and goals. I understand! 20 pounds can seem like a mountain, but you can do it and so can I! Just find something that works for you, and it'll click. You'll do great!

    The road you are on determines your destination.
  • You'll love it! Best of luck to you!