SLIM Shots?

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  • anybody try the SLIM Shots Appetite Controller that you can buy online and places like Walgreens? they are the same size as a coffee creamer and you drink them and they are suppose to make you feel full. It says they are "made from natural palm oil, oat oil and water".

    just wondering if anyone has tried them and if so what they think about them?

  • That is interesting - So you are taking a shot of oil? I imagine it also may contain fiber.

    Oil (fat) is something that can help you feel full, just like fiber can although for much more calories. I thought I had heard of a program that advocated taking shots of olive oil before eating.

    I imagine you can get the same results by drinking the oil of your choice and possibly some fiber supplement But who wants to take a shot of oil?
  • It seems weird but a good olive oil taste great to shoot. Just make sure not to do to much b/c it can add up very quickly
  • Hmm this sounds very interesting. I have some Olive Oil in my cupboard. I just might have to try this soon. I might have to pinch my nose though.. lol
  • Anyone try these?
  • Seem to Work
    Many people who have written in after using them say they work. It is the mixture of the oils.
  • Tried them
    I tried slim shots once. I bought them from CVS tried them for one day and noticed it did not do anything for my appetite. I was eating the same. I am have to try them for a longer period of time. It seems to be a safe weight loss product. It is made from oils. I had no side affects when I used it for that one day.
  • Well drinking oil is generally safe although most people avoid oils for weight loss. I wouldn't call something a safe weight loss product just because it is only made of oil. I could sell you a bottle of water as a weight loss product, but would it really be a weight loss product? Water does help you feel fuller as well...
  • Lol in Cyprus olive oil is used as a method to make yourself vomit without the use of a a medicine (I am not kidding here). I can't even think of taking a shot of olive oil to make myself full.
  • Excited- Need 3 a day
    I am doing this and I am excited. Nothing has ever worked for me but these seem to be doing it. I am really heavy so I am doing 2 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. They are not drugs with horrible side effects. It is an oil mixture which seems to really make the hunger pains go away. I am interested in how everyone does on these. Please post if you start using them with a healthy diet. I am excited but remember if you are heavier like me you will need 3 a day. They are not weight loss magic meds.
  • I am using these. I started 3 days ago and am noticing that I don't have hunger pangs even late at night. I'm giving it seven days to see how I feel then. It's hard to make a determination after only a couple of days. I'll check back in...
  • Keep us posted! I am also interested in these because it seems it would be ok for someone with medical issues. Oops, it does have aspartame in it, so that could be a problem for some.
  • I have been on them a few days. Not sure yet how or if they are working. They seem to work because after I use them i am not as hungry. I would be interested to see how others are doing.
  • I am going to retry them. I will post back with an success.
  • I started slim shots today. So far so good. Will keep you posted.