Is there a forum for men only?

  • I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this question, I didn't know where to. My hubby is also trying to lose weight and was wondering if there is a forum on here for men. ?
  • Well, the whole forum is for men as well as women. (There are definitely roosters around here ) BUT! There's always the Miscellaneous Clubs area, where he can form a group and maybe more men will feel comfortable to join in.
  • We have quite a few men in the forums, and they are very successful, too.
  • I think there used to be a men's group, but there were too few participants and it dwindled away. However, anyone who wants to try it again by starting a thread under Miscellaneous Clubs is welcome to do so. Anyone can read and post in any forum, though, so it won't be exclusive to men in practice. Just as with the 100 Club, 300+, 20-somethings, etc., there aren't any "X-only" groups.

  • I do my part. When I start the weekly general weigh in thread, I always make it gender nuetral to not scare any guys away. I love having men around. More please!
  • I will have to tell him...I am always telling him how much this site helps me. I guess you can't tell by usernames who is a guy and who isn't. I only know two that are guys for sure, but I'm sure many more users are male. I think my hubby thinks it's just for women. I think it would help him a lot.
  • Guy reporting in
    Hi trooworld,

    You can tell your DH that I'm a guy and get a lot of support from this site. (I usually post over in the Beck thread.)

    Completed Beck Program-day 42. You’ve met your goal. Congratulations!
  • Ello ello Troo,

    I am a fella as well, and agree with the statement of getting lots of support here. tell him to join up and get to postin.

    As Ever
  • Thanks's great to hear from you! I'll tell him he will be in great company.
  • LOL.... why did the title "3 Fat Chicks and a Fella" just pop into my head????
  • Quote: LOL.... why did the title "3 Fat Chicks and a Fella" just pop into my head????
    What about "3 Fat Chicks and some Rolly Polly Roosters"?