Is anyone eating Goji Berries ??

  • Goji berries are supposed to be very high in anti-oxidants... as per Dr. OZ... but I heard they are expensive and I have no idea what they taste like.. anyone have a review ?
  • Hi Sweetcaroline,

    My mum brought home a bag of Goji Berries a few months ago, and I'd never heard of them. She explained she found them a the health food store, and had heard they were very good for health. They were around $12 for 113 g or 4 oz. On the package they claim to be "The Tibetan Superfood" and they are certified organic.

    On the back it explains this:

    "Of the many varieties of the botanical Lycium, Organic Goji berries considered to be the most health enhancing. It grows in profusion on vines that reach over & carotenoids, include beta-carotene. The berries are also rich in exces of 20 trace minerals such as zinc, iron, copper, phosphorus, as well as B complex vitams and vitamin E."

    Per 28g, they have 90 calories, 0 g of fat, 4g of Fibre, 10mg of Sodium, and 12g of Sugars. They don't have any preservatives, the only ingredients are "organic Goji Berries"

    so basically if I ate the whole bag, it would be under 400 calories. We still have the same bag my mum originally bought, so they are a little expensive, but last a long time. I eat a few berries a day, kind of like the amount of almonds they advise to eat a day. They don't have an expiration date, so they will last as long as you need.

    I really enjoy the taste, it's like nothing I've ever had before. They start out crunchy like chips, and then get chewy. They are not overly sweet at all, but I can't relate the taste to anything.

    I definitely say try them, I think they are great. I haven't noticed any health benefits, but they are getting a lot of hype.

    hope that helps, sorry it's kind of long

  • Since goji berries can be sort of crunchy and chewy I prefer to throw some in my water so it flavours the water and they are less cruncy/chewy to eat when you are done your water! They also plump up a bit too.

    And I couldn't really describe the taste either. I guess you could say they are a bit on the tart side. The juice is also excellent.

  • Would they work in cereal?

    Does TJ's have them?
  • I put gogi berries in my oatmeal and sometimes in yogurt. They have kind of a cranberry-ish taste to them.
  • I found some at WF today. I bought a small amount. Geez, Louise! These things are pricey. I'll try them in my cereal tomorrow.