Back In Kindergarten #40

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  • Thats right. And you turned out fine didn't you Francie?? Of course you did.

    It is just totally bs. Gab and I love to read at night so I AM suporting her by reading books and getting her a library card.

    I could say it is against my *diet plan* (ya, shut up. I know I don't have a diet plan, I don't even wanna exercise. Maybe I am just a lazy butt??? lol ) and the stress of making a 6 year old do her homework is stressful and makes me want to eat cold mac and cheese?? You think being a drunk at 2pm is bad enough.

    *sigh. I am not going to be stressed on this but it burns my butt the teacher did a cc to Mike and now he will know gab's homework is late (again). lol

    omg - and rent is due and I am $300 short!! And my nose is running and I took night time medicine at 9am and now I just want to sleep my day away. So, I can't do K homework even if I wanted too. I just have enough strength to eat a bowl of mint chocolate ice cream. lol

    McDreamy called last night and is applying for a position 3 hours away - central Oregon and it will double his pay if he gets it. I started to tear up because what about us?? What about my pancakes and pasta on the weekends?? What about getting drunk?? Ok, forget about getting drunk , I can do that on my own but I can't cook!!!!

    and I wanted to slam the phone down until he said "I have a diamond for you Susan, will you marry me?? " .......*snicker*....I don't care about diamonds, I want a pancake No, he asked me if I would consider moving w/ him if he got the position. Isn't that the sweetest??

    anyway - it was. Now I have no time for indi's!! I have to go and umm, do something. Play around w/ my

    chat later!
  • Yes, I turned out just fine

    I found these for you too...
  • Hello ladies...

    Where does the time go...I swear I get up and before you know it the day is half over, ugh. I need more hours in the day, or more hours in the night for sleeping, lol. a bad mood now and after such a great start this morning. Damn wedding companies will not return my calls or e-mails. I ordered stuff March 13 and it all should have been here by the 23rd of March...nothing! Anyway...had to resort to threats, sort of. Told them if they can't respond to me I will have to cancel my orders and go elsewhere. It's not even my wedding and I am getting stressed! are too funny! I never thought about the allergic to homework excuse, lol. WTG on the exercise! I am going to have to check out those dvds...if I went on TBL I too would want Jillian as my trainer...just like her better, and she's funny. And STAY POSITIVE missy! You WILL lose those 5 pounds...just don't get frustrated. Of course weightloss is very frustrating. If only our bodies would work the way we want them too, lol.

    MINDEE...WTG to Brandon on the potty training.

    HIYA SUE...good to see you checking in. Hoping all is well with you and yours. Hoping your mom is well also.

    JULES... a very HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to RYAN! Glad you guys had a fun time! I know you are going to miss him when he's gone Being a mom is hard! How's that grandbaby? He sure is getting big! They grow way too fast. I will go back and check myspace for the new pictures!

    SASSY...hugs to your co-worker. I agree with Jules about the clothes...I always do it for me. I feel better about myself when I feel I look good. The same with makeup...I get in a rut and don't want to wear any and Idon't wear much anyway. But when I fix myself up I always feel yeah, do it for yourself missy! Keeping my fingers crossed for the apartment

    KATY... You are doing great and 177 or was it 175? Sorry, I forgot...either way it is great! You are getting there slowly but surely and that's the best way!

    Okay, almost time to call that stupid wedding company again. I called this morning and thinking 5 hours is plenty of time to find out something and call me back. Even gave my cell number so I wouldn't miss their call..the other place I keep getting the voice mail, ugh! No wonder brides turn into bridezillas, lol. Have some exercise to do as well and a load of laundry to get done.

    Have a wonderful day ladies!
  • I love those avatars Francie! So cute have to use them, lol!
  • The cold medicine put me out of my misery. Gab and I even did homework while I slept and she is almost done w/ the packet. I knew she didn't need my help!! lol She is a smart little cookie.

    Francie - Thanks for the McDreamy idea!

    Cristina -
    Hugs to you too!! I don't envy you on the wedding planning but in the end it will be all worth it!!!
    It is close to the Cali border, I looked, more like 5 hours to me. He needs to be offered the job first and I will worry when he accepts it. He can't really pass up a 6 figure salary and I know he thinks we have a future (go figure - lol ) so, it'll work out - at least it isn't across the ocean!! I have done these long distance things before

    anyway - I feel miserable, back to my bed !!

    Hello to everyone!
  • Hola everyone!! My mood has been lifted!! I went shopping I bought 2 books (Dead over Heels & The Biggest Loser Sucess Secrets), 2 workout dvds (TBL Power Scupt & WATP Walk Slim Fast Firming), 2 bottles of nail polish, some weights, and a mug that has dh's ship on it, a decal that says "I love My Sailor" and a magnet for Fonzo's grandma that says "Navy grandma"..And Fonzo bought some new uniforms & a video game, lol. OH, he did get me my own EN patch LoL!! Fonzo was totally making fun of me for being such a shopaholic while we were in the uniform shop. He said I could go into any store and always find something that I want to buy, lol.

    But ugh..after doing that one dvd this morning..Fonzo came home and I SHOWED him what some of the moves were. Which was a bad idea. I was already wobbly to begin with, lol. But after I showed him some of the moves, I was even more wobbly, lol. We walked all around the mall twice, and all around Target. My legs are KILLING me!!!! Fonzo says that its good that I'm hurting, lol. I tried to kick him on butt, but I couldnt lift my leg, lol.

    OH YA..I'm gonna take up roller skating again. I used to do that ALLLLLLLLL the time when I was younger. No wonder my legs back then were so nice & toned. I havent been roller skating since the 8th grade, so I'm gonna start off just skating around my balcony, lol. I'm probably gonna be really rusty at first, but I'll get back into it. I love roller skating more than biking (which I wanna start doing again too)

    Cristina~You know to be honest, my teachers never assianged us too much homework. Usually the stuff we didnt finish in class could be taken home. But I usually stayed after school to wait for my friend (she was in band), so thats when I did it, lol. Or I'd do it in detention to pass the time, lol. Or I'd just ditch school all together to avoid doing any school work, LMAO!! I miss being a teen. I was one 3 years ago (scary, lol). The reason why I'd pick Jillian to be my trainer is cuz I think Bob is HOT!! LoL!! I'd be too embarassed to sweat or look gross in front of him, lol. Plus Jillian would totally kick my butt. Fonzo even said he'd want her as his trainer, lol. And its nice to know she has a senstive side too. I love her. Bob is just eye candy for me, lol.

    Susan~Glad you like the icons!! You have a McDreamy, I have a McSailor.
  • hello are you all doing?

    nothing really new on this end......I feel like I am going to pee my pants. I have my normal Crystal Light Energy this morning, and then I had a pop at lunch time. Ever since then I have been drinking kool-aid so I have been drinking plenty of water, and I am about to float away any minute now!

    I fell back asleep on the couch after I put Brandon on the bus! I woke up to someone unlocking the front door, and I almost jumped off the couch. I looked out the door wall, and noticed that the van was there. A couple of seconds later, in walked Tommy. I said "what are you doing home?" and he said "they sent me home. they didn't have any more work for me." To which my heart kind of stopped but then he told me that he has to go back into work tomorrow....they just ran out of work for him to do today!

    oh, and the last company that he worked at......well he heard on the news Tuesday night that they closed up! Tommy had predicted it right after he started working there, and wouldn't you know it, they closed up shop for good!

    Brandon had a rough day with going potty on the potty, but we are getting back. He went to the store with Tommy, and I forgot to mention to Tommy to ask him while they are out if he has to go. Logan again took his diaper off today! I am getting so mad because he has done it at least once since Monday, and it seems to be only when he is poopy. Marissa is growing up so quickly......she has changed so much in the past month! she is so long and skinny now since she started crawling! she will crawl all over the place, then sit up and then clap for herself!

    Francie~ Those are some great avatars! I keep telling myself to snag the one in your signature about not being perfect but I keep forgetting to!

    SusieQ~ I will have to head over and check out your page in a second! I would have told the teacher to stick it where the sun doesn't shine!

    I do have to say though that I weighed in at 233.4 lbs this morning.....which is amazing since Monday I was weighing in at 237.6! I just got my butt in gear, did some major exercise and I have been limiting my pop intake and upping my water intake!
  • Hi Chicks.
    Hi Girls.

    Well I got a surprise when I came into work tonight......Went upstairs where I have been for the last 2 weeks now, right? ALL my stuff was GONE! Chair and all! (I have a special chair due to my back injury) Well I sorta figured that it had been moved downstairs, but was just kinda shocked because we usually have to move our stuff ourselves, they usually don't move it for you unless you are fired! Also was concerned because there are folks moving into our old area so I had thought maybe they had just took all my stuff and my coworkers stuff (we were sharing another ladies cube who is on maturnity leave) and did who knows what with it. So first I call downstairs, ask a co worker, he puts me on hold forever. Then I see the manager who moved upstairs and asked him, he said that he thinks it is downstairs.

    So I grab my fan (they hadn't taken that) and went downstairs. I get down there and my tower is there -- that is it. No chair, no mouse, etc. I am like, "ok where is my stuff?" didn't think of looking around that area for it, turned around there it was, scattered all over the place. Since there was 3 people's things upstairs, they did not know what belonged to who. Luckily I was smart in labeling me and the lady on maturnity leave's computer tower and my coworker did the same. So I am downstairs now with everybody else. It was just kinda confusing getting all my stuff back cuz it was all over the place. lol. But I am all "settled" now.

    Oh my boss approved me to use my floating holiday next Wed. So next Wed I will only be working 6 pm - Midnight, 6 hours, holy cow! That should fly by for me, since I am used to working 13 and 14!! lol. (I only have 7 hrs of floating holiday) So then DH & I should be able to go to the Outlet Mall next Thursday since I get off earlier I can go to sleep earlier and then we can get up earlier......

    Watched Hells Kitchen. Boy oh boy do they have a bunch this time........I dunno if any of them knows what they are doing! lol. Shall be intersting......

    Well will do indies later or on the Weekend when I am off!

  • Hello ladies...

    SUSAN...I thought he already got the job...yeah, I wouldn't pass up that kind of money either, I don't think. Of course it would depend on things, family & such. And yes! Thank goodness it's not an ocean away!

    SASSY...good grief! Crazy people not being able to make up their minds. Hopefully you are were you will stay for a while...'til tomorrow anyway, lol. Hopefully you and hubby make it to the mall. are too cute! I told DIL-to-be we need to win a shopping spree. We were at Dillards and I saw so many cute things. But I was good, stayed focused. I tried to get the hubby to go roller skating, lol. He said NO WAY!!! He's really tall and he said if he fell it would hurt, lol. He doesn't know how to skate and I won't go by myself...but I always loved it! Never could stand up on rollerblades.

    MINDEE...WTG on the loss! You are doing GREAT! Brandon will get the hang of takes time for sure.

    Well, I did manage to get in touch with the one wedding company and the order was shipped today. I thought the lady was just saying that but just checked my e-mail and had an shipping confirmation One down and one to go. This other company will not return my calls or e-mails so what the heck to I do. Thinking about ordering with someone else and put a rush on it and then canceling this one somehow...may have to go to the bank and stop idea. I'll try calling tomorrow. The order was supposed to have been shipped on March 24th, ugh! Anyway...did my 95 minutes of exercise today. Feel good that I got it done but my body aches. Anyway...going to go get a little reading done before heading to bed. Early day tomorrow so want to get to bed early.

    Nighty, night ladies!
  • just thought I would pop back in here before heading to bed!

    Sassy~ That is great that you were smart enough to label your stuff! awesome on the floating holiday as well! I am sure that you said this before, but what do you do?

    Cristina~ Thanks for the nice words! great news on the one shipment!! now, if you can only get the other company to return your calls! good luck with that as well!
  • Mindee~Go ahead and snag it. I have a billion more icons if you ever want any. Just give me an idea and I might have it, LOL!!

    Cristina~You should be on the look out for these Bridal things they do at Dillards. Me & my mom went to one and I won a picture frame, 2 towels and a photobook. It was pretty awesome. You also get some cool ideas for your wedding, and get to eat free wedding cake, lol. Although the one we went to had one of those chocolate fountains. I wanted one for my wedding, but my mom said no, LOL!!! Oh well..I should show you my wedding pics so far. OoO wedding expos are fun too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LoL!!

    Dh & I saw 'Stop Loss' tonight and wow. That was one good movie!!! I cried several times during it. Movies like that really get to me. legs are seriously killing me. Fonzo is waiting for me to get off so he can walk me to the bedroom. Walking up the stairs tonight was it for me. My legs are done for the day (hopefully not the week). I'm gonna go do my nails in bed...see ya'll tomorrow!!
  • Morning Chicks.

    Cristina -- Yeah I should be staying put for a while now. (Lets hope anyways!!!) lol. What was it that you were ordering? Anyways, hope they get it together!! WTG on the exercise!

    Mindee -- Yeah in this place if you don't label it, its gone. lol. I work in a callcenter -- at night. I get the joy of waking people up in the middle of the nights and tell them to fix stuff. lol.

    Francie -- hope the legs feel better chickie!

  • I feel like total crap today. I'm feeling places that I've never felt before. Like my abs, back muscles, shoulders (well, its different than its usual stiff pain, lol), my arms (who knew my arms could hurt, lol)..and my thighs still hurt of course. I put bengay on my shoulders last night..then in the middle of the night I woke up to my abs hurting!!! I had a pretty bad night to begin with. I could only sleep on my back..and if I moved then I'd wake up in pain. I dunno how I'm gonna manage to get down the stairs today. We're gonna do our taxes and have to go back to the mall. I figure light walking will be okay for today.

    Well..I'm gonna try and get up to make some breakfast (I've been trying this for an hour now, lol).
  • Good Morning Ladies, I am back to normal *snicker*

    Sassy - So, you are settled in the office, no more being moved? I don't like people touching my things at work (when I worked - lol) we had maintenance staff move our office but I think I did most of it myself. Is Hells Kitchen the one where this English guy goes in and teaches them how to run the joint better??

    Mindee- Hope Tommy's work gets settled down, it would be frustrating for me to go in and not have work to do on a consistant basis. AWESOME on the weight loss!! So happy for you! I haven't touched my myspace yet, just been deleting crap. can go look though if you want. I meant to say you seem like a natural mother. I feel I have to work at it. This homework thing is way frustrating to me. I want Gab to enjoy being a 6 year old and have fun. If she is spending 3 hours in school each day I don't see where she needs to spend another hour at home on studies. I would rather have her outside playing. I just think the teacher needs to lighten up, I am just too chicken to tell her that. lol

    Francie - Your abs have gone where no abs have gone before?? lol Sorry you are sore, maybe take a hot soak in the tub? I hope you feel better soon!! Loved your shopping list!

    Cristina - I would be so pissed on not getting your orders in time for the wedding. There is no way to get them on the phone or drop into the store?? Is everything like an out of state kind of thing?? What are you reading? No, McD is just applying for the job, he heard about it on Monday and his co workers are encouraging him to apply. Like I said it would double his pay, but take him far, far away. I doubt I would ever move w/ him. I mean we have only gone together for 4 months, it's too early to be changing my life for him. Maybe after a year???? Who knows....if he doesn't get the position I won't have to worry about it. lol.....

    Katy - Where are you?? Hope all is well w/ the kids. Are they doing swimming this session??

    Sue - How are you??

    Jules - Happy Birthday to Ryan, is he getting ready to make his trip to Portland?? Hugs to you and Teri!

    I guess I better make tracks!! I paid my rent this morning - another crisis successfully
    My cold is almost gone, thank goodness. Swimming tonight and the sun is finally back!!
  • Hiya Chickies

    SASSY...the one order that is being sent are the tags for the one favors and a sixpence for the bride was on this order. The other order is for the pink netting circles and the black ribbon with their names and date on it...those are for the Wedding Day scented yankee candles. I could not find the color circles anywhere around here and of course I had to order the ribbon. are welcome missy! You are doing a great job so keep it up! You heard me, lol How's the potty training going today?

    FRANCIE...hugs missy Sorry you are so sore...maybe you over did it. If you are working the muscle, for me I can't do strength everyday...I need a day in between to rest...I think that's what they say...whoever 'they' are, lol. Just be careful and not hurt yourself.

    I tried to get up early...guess it was earlier than usual. For some reason when I try to get up at 6:30 I can't do it...lay in bed 'til a little after 7 or 7:30. Oh well...wanted to get my, well most of my exercise done before heading out. Did 60 minutes and plan on doing another 30 about 2:30-3'ish...sometime before Jeopardy so I can rest before having to cook dinner. Went to wally world and bought groceries...telling ya, everything is going up and I spent too much time there. Was trying to find Chase, Charlotte's boy some toys. I keep playing favs and that is soo wrong...can't help myself. Cambrie is too darn cute! Anyway...he will be spending the night next week so got him a few boy things to play with, keep him busy. What does a almost 9-year-old like to play with? I was in wal-mart for over a hour, yikes! Then went tanning...not sure why I bother except I want a little color to me, want to look good for the wedding. Anyway...

    Hoping all is well with everyone. Take care and have a great day!