Anyone work out with one of those BIG BALLS!

  • I just bought one and I was wondering if anyone has used them. What kind of results have you gotten.

    I am going to be using that along with walking, Tae Bo and weights. I need to lose 100 pounds.


  • That sounds like a good exercise plan. I love Tae Bo and it is one of the different things I use for my cardio. The swiss ball is a great addition to any exercise program. It really helps with crunches for abs (I use mine to do both situps on the ball and crunches with my legs over the ball), and there is a wide range of exercises to do for all parts of the body. I just talked about this in the Body for Life #40 thread under Diet Plans because I've just started using it as my weight bench for my weight set. I have Powerblocks for my at home weight set and on the powerblock website ( there are powerblock exercises and one set is using a bench, the other the ball. Of course you don't need powerblocks to use these ideas with regular dumbbells. I really like using the swiss ball as a weight's great. I like it a lot.

    It seems like every week I learn of some new way to use the swiss ball. It's one of my best "aids". Mine came with a video tape and I also purchased another one with some annoying guy. but there are sites on the web for swiss ball exercises if you run out of ideas and they're free and have no annoying people on it. Good luck!
  • I have no balance I fall off of the one at the gym and look like a dork.

    Can you do the one where you balance your back on it and work the lower and upper abs at the same time? This seems like an impossible task to me. I love using the big ball to strech my back over, I find it relaxing.