Tuesday's Daily Thread - February 26

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View Poll Results: What kind of eggs do you prefer? (Don't let this tempt you into eating any!!)
Cadbury's Creme Eggs
Cadbury's Mini Eggs
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll
  • Morning all!
    Just getting the thread started for the day. Great to read so many posts yesterday! Welcome back all the lost 20-somethings and hello to any new ones!
    Must go work, but I'll come back and post later on,
    PS I'm feeling v proud for making it to the gym this morning. Didn't want to get up but I dragged my *** out of bed and now I'm glad I did. :sheep: hee hee - couldn't resist the sheep!!
  • Oh, the cream eggs without a doubt...and now you have me craving one!

    Rina- OMG wasn't that game amazing?!!!! I couldn't move and didn't want to blink I was afraid I would miss anything. My throat was so sore after the game from yelling and screaming. We had the same thing here....cars honking, people dancing in the street......hmmmm isn't that a song....people yelling and just like you said more then on Canada.....sad thought really. Anyway it was AWESOME!!!!!

    I am going to the doctors this morning. My little Emma has a really bad cold and ear infection and is just miserable....and has kept me up half the night I might add. Actually I am not really mad......but there is no tired looking face so that will have to do.

    Well, off to make breakfast! 3 egg white with sauteed mushrooms and onions and a whole wheat pc of toast! YUM!

    Have a good one~!

  • Morning Girls.

    Kirsty - congrats on getting to the gym. I do mine in the evenings, but I always say i'm going to try and do mornings sometime. I jsut can't get out of bed!

    Morning Angie. I hope Emma feels better. Your breakfast sounds awesome!!!

    Rina - I went to Old Navy and bought a red long sleave shirt with the united states flag in the shape of the united states on it. The flag was blue with glitter. My roommate thought I was crazy. It's fun that there are so many hockey fans on the board. Woo hoo. ANd I NEVER thought I'd be shopping in a regular store. NEVER. In fact, I never fit into the 16's at these stores because I didn't even bother going in them because I thought for sure they wouldn't fit. I almost did cry when I fit into the 12's. I was freaking out. All my life I shopped at Lane Bryant (and don't get me wrong - i loved that store) and maybe the really large sizes at old navy. So if I can do it, I know you can. I LOVE food and fatty food at that. So I know you can do it.

    Ali - have fun business clothes shopping!!!

    Kay - I'm so sorry about your friend. I don't know much at all about lymphnoma but she'll be in my prayers.

    Jess He he I laughed when I read your thread. A munchkin is a donut hole from Dunkin Donuts. They have jelly filled donut holes, chocolate donuts holes (that are like round brownies - MMmmm) almost any donut they have, they make into a donut hole. YUM! I could eat 20 of them. That would be like 35 points!

    I weigh in at lunch. Wish me luck. I'm hoping for a loss but when I figured it out I was 3 points over in all. But I worked out at the gym like a mad woman, so hopefully I'll lose.

    Last night at the gym I was unstoppable. I ran 2.5 mi on the treadmill, then went to my Rebok Coarboard class, then did 30 minutes on the EXF Precore elliptical trainer. I'm kind of hurting today though.

    Also, anyone in the New England area? Shaws and/or Star Market has these eclairs in the bakery sections that are 120 cal and 3 g of fiber and 3 g of fat = 2 points! And they're AWESOME!!

    See y'all later. I'll let you know how it goes at WI!

  • Lisa: Way to go on the exercise, you are doing awesome! What keeps you motivated? I know you have been at it for long awhile. Do you ever eat fattening food at all....because I am thinking there is NO WAY that I could forgo my bigmacs forever. I do plan to have one at least once a month. I bet you lose at weigh in. Remember all that exercise you probably gained a couple of extra points anyways. I cant wait to shop in normal stores again. I HATE shopping in the "fat stores" I would absolutly die if I got into a 12. That is my goal measurement. Right now I am in about a 20 (or a 2X) Think it is possible? I hope so, I am just miserable at this size. My breaky was awesome, I smothered it will low fat shredded cheddar YUM! Good luck at weigh in!

  • Goooood Morning!
    Good morning everyone!! Looks like the board's been pretty active already this morning... I'm still very groggy , so hopefully my post isn't just a bunch of gibberish.

    I have to say that I'm pretty excited--I have this pair of pants that I got from GAP that used to be too small, then they fit, and today, they're feeling a little bit too big. Size 14, here I come (in a few weeks).

    Weighed myself at the gym last night--yesterday I said I didn't think I had lost, but according to that scale, I lost about a pound. Hope it's right! Oh well, I guess we'll find out at WI tonight.

    Kirsty--The sheep is adorable! These new smilies are SO cute--I especially love the . That is especially adorable!

    Angie--Hope your little Emma is feeling better soon. I recently had tonsilitis and strep (at the same time, sigh) and there's just all kinds of yuck going around right now.

    Lisa--Thanks for telling me what a munchkin is, I was wondering. It sounds like you were a maniac, maniac last night at the gym. (gotta sing the maniac maniac part). Good luck at your weigh in at lunch, I'm sure you lost, you had those three extra points coming to you.

    Angie (again) --I'm confident that you can get into a 12. Before starting WW, I fluctuated between a 16 and 20. Now I'm definitely a 16 and these 16's are getting a little roomy, yay!!

    OK, I gotta get a little work done. Will check back in later!! Have a great day!
  • Angie - I sent you a private message.

    Jess - funny story. I'm from the South and we don't really have Dunkin Donuts down there. So when I came to school in Boston, I was unaware of munchkins as well. So when a friend called me screaming and said these guys on her floor were throwing munchkins at her dormroom door, I was horrified!!!!!
  • Oh my I can't believe that there were 25 posts yesterday. I haven't even begun to tackle them however Iwill later today. I played hooky yesterday It was great. I grocery shopped, got laundry done, cleaned my room. Ok maybe it is sad that I think that is a great day but I love when I am organized. I feel soooo much more at peace. I also saw "Monster's Ball" with Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton and Heath Ledger. ANyways, I was pretty disturbed by it and could have done without the very graphic sex scenes, violence and abuse. Anyways did anyone else see this movie. I don't recommend it. I know that is not the popular view since it is up for and academy award but I left the theatre somewhat disturbed by it. There was great messages in it regarding racism. This I appreciated however it was a bit too over the top for me. Just curious about others opinions?

    I did run on the treadmill yesterday and plan to go to aerobics tonight. I am definitely back in exercise mode so that is good.

    Well ladies I will be back after I read the millions of posts from yesterday.
  • Hi guys...

    I have to say creme eggs..yummy - I got 6 for my bday. So far I ate one and b/f ate one..not too bad I guess...!!

    Kirsty - hellloooo! Feels like a long time since I've been on here, eh? Oh well.

    Angie - hope Emma is feeling better....!

    Lisa/Rina - we are finally getting an Old navy in Calgary!! Yay!! I am so excited. Its opening soon too...

    Jess - way to go on the almost 14's! Woo hoo!!

    Well, I should get to work...the sheep are so cute...

  • Wow a lot of people posted during my post. I had to take a little break during it. Anyways the munchkin stories are funny. I never even thought of the comparison. Ha Ha

    Jess- 14, 14!!! Congrats. I am sure it is just around the corner

    Lisa- You are the work out queen!! I am really enjoying working out again. I love it. IT amazes me that on some day I dread going b/c I know I will feel better after doing it. Kind of weird how our minds can work sometimes.

    Angie- I am sure that a size 12 is in your future. Don't stress about it though. Ialways have to be careful not to obsess about the size of my jeans. Yes it is great when the size goes down but certain body builds just need bigger sizes regardless of weight.

    Kirsty-Ok I love the sheep too. I will have to check them out
  • Wow it didn't take as long as I thought to read all of those posts.

    Lisa- Just a charmer or not, isn't it great to be taken care of that way. I dated a charmer for about six months and although he was somewhat of a player I loved feeling like a princess for a short while Play it cool but he sounds a bit smitten. who knows? Men are definitely a mystery.

    Mandie- Sorry things have been so difficult for you lately. Definitely come here for support.

    Stacey- I love the Oprah award idea! Did anyone watch yesterday about women and heart disease? Pretty alarming that women are still not being taken seriously in this area of our health. It is amazing they said that yearly more women die of heart disease than men. YIKES. so why aren't we routinely tested ???? Scary. Ok I am done being neurotic but it does concern me.

    Angie- Richard simmons shows always make me cry. It is amazing to see how much the people on the shows lose. I hope that is works foryou. I agree that whatever gets us in shape is the right program

    Lori= I love scuba. I went in Aruba and plan to go when I go to Hawaii. Have you been before? I am not certified although I should look into it. I think I will go again and make sure that I want to get certified.

    Kim- Congrats on being back on WW. I rejoined again but I am never consistant with WI. I need to just commit to going till goal.

    Kay- Sorry to hear about your friend. it is difficult to understand why things like that happen. I think that you have done a lot to help already and keep in mind that you should continue to be available. Don't let any awkward feelings get in the way of the friendship. Ask her questions if you have them this will help you understand the disease and be more aware of her needs.

    Belle- Did b/f do anything sweet for your b-day. Mine isn't so good with special occassions so I thought I would try to live through you BTW Happy Birthday

    Rina- wow such a hockey fan. Congrats on the win

    Ok back to work

  • hello again,
    belated birthday greetings belle! good to see you posting!
    becky - it sounds like you had a pretty busy day yesterday. i'm hoping to clean my apartment tonight/tomorrow night cos i'm having some girls round this weekend. the best thing about having folk round is that i get to organise the nibbles, so i'm definitely going for low-point snacks!
    jess - fingers crossed for your WI tonight!! the cow is v. sweet too!!
    angie - if you honestly follow WW you will reach a 12. (unless you're 8ft tall and haven't told us!). hope your daughter gets better soon. i've had a sore throat for weeks and it's horrible.
    lisa - how was WI? hope the munchkins didn't cause any problems! i'm sure that bloke is keen on you. let us know what happens!
    well, i better get on with my work. i've decided to skip "tuesday drinks" with my colleagues tonight and instead go give blood. wonder if it'll make me weigh less?
    stacey - how's the chocolate ban going? i still haven't given in to ice cream. even with BF sitting next to me eating a tube of B&J the other night. roll on easter!
    mandie - big hug for you.
    kay - big hug for you too - and your friend.

    back later, hello to everyone about to post!
  • Im back from the dr's and Emma's ear looks not great....but better then before. So she is on the mend. So far today has been great food wise, since breakfast I haven't been hungry at all, so I think I might just do ok today. My dad and step mom )and their dog) are coming for a visit this weekend....so that might be challanging....My dad and I have the same relationship with food....and together we always pig out. So, hope I can get thru it.

    Jess: Way to go on your size 14 WHOOOOHOOOOO! What a great feeling, I am getting excited to think that one day that will be me posting that! I bet you lose at wi, good luck!

    Lisa: You have mail! (or at least a private message anyways )

    Grace: Way to go on your exercising. I haven't seen the movie but thanks for the warning....I will stay away from that one. Wanna come do my house?

    Belle: hi, and hope you have a great day!

    Kirsty: I am definatly not 8 ft tall LOL I am 5'5 and I am actually not doing the weight watchers anymore. I am trying Richard simmons out becuase with the ww I never really learned to eat healthy....I just kinda saved up all my points and ate crap. WW is a great program, and I lost over 25 pounds on it (gained back some ) Hoping R.S will be a tool to teach me to eat properly. Hope you are feeling better!! So many people have been sick this year.

  • Hi!
    Hey everyone-I am here lurking....I have a horrible craving for Chinese Buffet...but I am really hungry and I brought a healthy lunch which i was going to supplememnt with a salad from Wendy's...I'm thinking maybe i will feed my craving with some low point chinese soup....hopefully I can get in and out of the restaurant without sitting down at the buffet!!! Send me willpower vibes!!!

    Munchkins-how funny-I LOVE them! They are evil because you can just keep eating them like nothing!

    Lisa-I so admire your drive and determination! I am trying to use you as a role model-doesn't it feel great to get into the smaller clothes????Good luck at WI

    Angie-I used to do R.S.-I also lost weight with that program-I think he is really good...

    Hi Kirsty, hi Grace!!!!

    Like the next page of icons
  • Lori: Sending you some MAJOR willpower vibes

    ~****~*~*~*~*~*WILLPOWER FOR LISA~~~~*~*~*~*~*~*

    Why did you switch from R.S to WW?

  • Good Morning!
    I'm skipping WI tonight because I got on the scales here at work and it's showing a maintain. Also because the realtor is coming over Thursday night and we've got to clean house!!! Ugh!
    Is there a yucky smiley? Nope, just imagine a "dirty house" smiley.
    Kirsty: I'm holding out for Easter!! I voted on your poll, too! I prefer Mini-eggs and I hope to see some on Sunday morning! mmmmmmmmm
    Hi to all! Boss just got back so I'd better get going!