Easter Feast, Family and

  • So how did it go for all of you? Any stress, emotional eating or an overwhelming urge to kill?!?! LOL!!! We didn't eat at my parents house because we got out of church late, but.....I feel a rant coming on! For years, I have asked my mom and sisters (all MO) if it wouldn't be a good idea to maybe cut back...like 10 pounds of butter in the potatoes and dressings for example and I was told "You are obsessed with being FAT!" Here was the Easter menu (my family are fantastic cooks) Ham, Potato Casserole, Potato Salad, Snickers Cake, pecan pie, peach pie, apple pie, peanut butter pie, etc. Eclaire cake, basket of Easter candy, a chocolate cake; got the idea yet. No veggie tray, no cheese, not fruit. I was so glad we ate at home. I have not seen most of my family since Christmas, some for a year and a half. My immediate family didn't say a word about my weightloss, but my aunt asked about it and I told her for me it was a life saving major and my health had improved 100%. She told me that since she was over 60 that she wasn't going to pursue it. She has heart trouble, insulin dependent diabetic, DDD, sleep apnea, etc; stood around with ham in her hand and eating pie! I told her that people over 60 do have it and that it might take a little more clearance, just find the right doctor. My mother than piped up and said "Well, you have to stay on a diet the rest of your life!" I was sitting in the middle of a room of MO people and that was her response! I tried to tell her above the din that it was a lifestyle change!!! My sister who had RNY quite a few years ago is huge. No one knows but me that she had it and I wanted to weep and cry for her and my whole family. My DIL later told me that "I looked happy and radiant and that had taken years off me". And that is because for the first time in many years I was able to go out with all the little ones and participate in finding eggs just participate in LIFE!! I'm the oldest and I know what my sisters and brothers are headed for pain, ill health and a pretty confining life. I've never had to have my families approval, and am excited for my family when they have accomplished something. Of course there was a WLS tragic story: Woman drank carbonate beverage and her esophagus exploded and she died. My family is weird! I'm done now!!

    OT: I have tried two different type of Caramel Adkin Advantage Bars. These actually have fiber and that has been in short supply in the protein bars. I don't use them on a regular basis, they are for my emergency stash and you can find them at a supermarket. The Chocolate Peanut Nougat Bar, closest thing that I will ever come to a Snickers again and Double Chocolate Crunch Bar. Both are good; NUT info Cal: 150, T Fat 7, Carbs: 17/19; D Fib: 9; Sugars: 1; no alcohols; Protein 11. Not to bad. I'm planning on picking up one of the brownies when these are done.
  • Forgive me for lurking. I haven;t had WLS nor would I be a candidate but I was browsing your board out of curiosity.

    NanJ, you're probably going to find that attitude throughout your weight loss. When I lost all my weight the first time (70lbs) there were certain members of my family who were very negative about it. I'm sure I made some crazy going on and on about points ect ect but most were ok about it. I think what's happened is that you are showing them what they need to do for themselves but they aren't in a place yet to feel that they can do the same. Rather than get inspired, perhaps they get defensive.

    The "you have to diet for the rest of your life" comment makes me laugh. I remember when telling my SIL that I was doing WW she said "It works great! But as soon as you stop doing it you gain all the weight back!" Well duh! It was my old eating habits that got me fat in the first place so it's pretty safe to assume that I'll gain all the weight back if I go back to my old ways!

    Keep your chin up, you're doing an amazing job! I'm going to go back to lurking now!

    P.S. My maiden name was Nancy J.
  • Thanks for sharing NanJ
    I have been fortunate that I have lost this weight away from my family who all have some kind of eating disorder, addiction or "something" dysfunctional going on! When I flew back "home" to visit my mom who was critically ill, my sister, who needs to quit smoking since she has early COPD, took one look at me and said 'Gee, you look pretty!". When I attempted to share what I had been doing, she cut me to the quick. I thought, well, this trip isn't "about me", so let it be. However, I have no idea what to expect when I return again this year (which I hope to often since Mom has advanced cancer) from anyone. I haven't seen my DH's side. I am sure there will be some kind of reaction.

    I can "top" your story (although it is incredibly sad). My mom has been obsessed with her weight (usually about 60-80 lbs more than she liked) and it wasn't until the past couple of years when she was diagnosed diabetic that she had no choice but to stop eating some of the kinds of foods that helped her get there. Now, that she has had several surgeries, two strokes and two heart attacks in a space of two months, and still living, she refuses to eat because she claims the nurses are trying to "make her fat"!!! Now, she has a feeding tube in her abdomen so she won't starve to death. Well, she lost the last 40 lbs but what a way to do it!! She is now bone thin, as my sister described her, but she still has that "fat head". Eating disorders and addictions run deep in my family.

    God willing, I will lose my weight in a healthy and sane way!! That is my goal and wish.

    Thanks for sharing, I am so proud of you that you saw things the way they are. You made good choices. And, sometimes, sadly, we can only stand back and watch our loved ones (yes, we really do love them!) hurt themselves. It is just the way it is sometimes.
  • I don't know if this counts as a horror story, but My hubby has a grandma that was born without the "think before you blurt it out" gene. After dinner the conversation turned to an upcoming plane trip. "I always get stuck between big people like you" was this holiday's comment. This time I finally said "How do I always end up being the postergirl for your fat people examples" I swear I wanted to jump across the table and throttle her. I have been dealing with these snide remarks for the past 5 years. This was actually a nicer one come to think of it. I am looking forward to the days after surgery, when I plan on throwing all my old clothes in front of her and commenting "Here you can have my fat clothes I no longer need them."
  • Oh Nancy! Our family is a good one. My family actually felt a little sorry that I could not eat much that was fixed. We have the pies and stuff too, but always a cheese and veggie plate too. Just always remember that you did this for YOU. Wait until the reunion this summer and we both knock their socks off!

    Jiggly Wiggly, My father was born with that same gene missing. His comment this time was " I see you appitite is still really good" or something like that. I had a 1/4 of a cup of mashed potatoes on my plate with a table spoon of peas mix in. I actually was on of the last people to finish eating too!