Two Helpful Tools

  • I was perusing the web as I normally do. Looking for those lil tips, tricks, or tools to help us along the way. And I came across this post on another site. She explains them so much better then I could, so I am just going to Quote her post here. Thanks MollyK!!

    I did go and check these out and will be incorporating them into my weight loss journey!

    I love tools (both in the literal and figurative sense, smile!) I came across two nutritional tools that are amazing and wanted to pass them on. Both relate to eating out (one of my downfalls).

    The first is a nutrional service called Diet1 where you can text message (to 34381) the name of the restaurant and the food, and they will immediately respond with the nutrional breakdown (calories, fat, carbs and protein). Not bad... It's free as long as you have text messaging service with your phone (I have unlimited - so no problem for me! lol). I texted the following: "macaroni grill steak salad" and it returned the following:

    Romano's Macaroni Grill
    Steak Ugula Salad with Dressing
    Cal: 990
    Fat: 80g
    Carb: 9g
    Prtn: 53g

    I guess I shouldn't have eaten the whole thing, sigh. Oh well - next time I will avoid this pitfall by checking the cals before I order, lol. Anyways, you can get more info here:

    The second is a website called:
    It has an ABC list of restaurants with specific menu items that are "healthy" - really helps narrowing the field when eating out.